Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A private company may , however , be limited by shares or limited by guarantee .
2 A contract has been defined as ‘ an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced or recognized by law ’ .
3 Moreover since he did not wish to have preying on his mind any malice or grudge by reason of which his father might later be offended , he revealed that he had pledged himself to support the barons of Aquitaine against his brother Richard and said that he had done this because Richard had fortified the castle of Clairvaux though it really belonged to the Angevin patrimony which he should inherit from his father . "
4 When pasture is ploughed up or overloaded by nitrogen input , organic nitrogen is oxidised and the highly soluble nitrate ion is washed quickly through the soil and into rivers or groundwater .
5 Mr. Lightheart reported that since it had not been authorised or erected by council authorities they were unwilling to pay for the fence .
6 Mr. Lightheart reported that since it had not been authorised or erected by council authorities they were unwilling to pay for the fence .
7 ‘ If you stay here you will be knifed or poisoned by nightfall .
8 The original may be physically damaged if a cup of coffee is spilt over it or the magnetic impulses on the disk representing the program may be destroyed or altered by exposure to a strong magnetic field .
9 ( 2 ) That although the privilege against self-incrimination subsisted and could only be removed or altered by Parliament , there was no reason to allow a defendant in civil proceedings to rely on it , thus depriving a plaintiff of his rights , where the defendant 's own protection was adequately secured by other means ( post , pp. 350B , 352C–D , 354B , 355B , 357F–G , 358F–G , 359A–B , F–G , H , 360A ) .
10 Marriages had been made during the war , but many damaged or broken by war , too .
11 Where exposed by erosion even quite small intrusions can be significant features in the landscape , especially if they are composed of a rock type which is markedly more resistant to weathering than the adjacent strata .
12 Or ravaged by war , ripped in two ,
13 Rules allowing farmers to cut set-aside fields to control weeds have resulted in many nests being ploughed up or crushed by machinery .
14 For the first time a tally was kept of the number of items issued to users or consulted by Map Library staff in answering letter enquiries .
15 Still , he created two characters in The Lord of the Rings of particular suggestiveness , both of them originally on the right side but seduced or corroded by evil , and so especially likely to have analogues in the real world : these are Denethor and Saruman , each of them seen faintly satirically , almost politically .
16 ( 4 ) ( a ) Where a member of a recognised body dies the recognised body shall ensure that any shares registered in his name at the time of his death are within twelve months of his death registered in the name of a solicitor or a recognised body or ( where permitted by paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) ( i ) of this Rule ) a registered foreign lawyer or ( where the recognised body is a company limited by shares ) are acquired by the recognised body itself .
17 ( 4 ) ( a ) Where a member of a recognised body dies the recognised body shall ensure that any shares registered in his name at the time of his death are within twelve months of his death registered in the name of a solicitor or a recognised body or ( where permitted by paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) ( i ) of this Rule ) a registered foreign lawyer or ( where the recognised body is a company limited by shares ) are acquired by the recognised body itself .
18 It may be possible to argue that the parol evidence rule applies and that the signed document contains the whole of the parties ' agreement , which can not be supplemented or varied by reference to any other document or oral agreement .
19 To treat them simply as statements of objective fact , to be proved or disproved by appeal to observation of the world around us , to the speculations and arguments of metaphysical philosophy , or even to the authority of the Bible understood as a collection of ‘ divine truths ’ , is to misconceive their nature and function .
20 Oh , erm yes indeed we have , erm it 's that was a report which I 've put to Local Government Information which was in fact written by or contributed by officer Roy Holt and on the to erm have a look at that , have a copy of it I mean .
21 Dunning ( 1901 ) left it unclear whether fascist demonstrations could be construed as a genuine attempt to convert people to a point of view or to provoke by insult .
22 These xenobiotics may be activated or detoxified by phase I and phase II biotransformation enzymes including cytochromes P450 , epoxide hydrolases , and glutathione S-transferases .
23 Many times it appears to be used so that other qualities of the work — the wide assortment of materials it might be constructed of , say , or the way it is attached to the wall — can take centre stage , much in the way that a black and white photograph allows you to concentrate on matters otherwise obscured or de-emphasized by colour .
24 Aragorn has to choose between going to Mordor or to Minas Tirith ; delays , and then finds himself choosing between Sam and Frodo or Merry and pippin ; picks one quest , and then has to decide whether to rest or pursue by night .
25 This is so broad a definition that it could include almost any building , structure , or site of archaeological interest made or occupied by man at any time .
26 Many of its own people have been displaced by civil war or uprooted by drought or flood .
27 I venture to add a few observations of my own only because I have to confess to having been a somewhat reluctant convert to the notion that the words which Parliament has chosen to use in a statute for the expression of its will may fall to be construed or modified by reference to what individual members of Parliament may have said in the course of debate or discussion preceding the passage of the Bill into law .
28 Five years The tenant 's right to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37 , may be excluded or modified by agreement unless : ( 1 ) during the whole of the five years immediately preceding the date on which the tenant , under a tenancy to which the Act applies is to quit the holding , premises being or comprised in the holding have been occupied for the purposes of a business carried on by the occupier or for those and other purposes ; and ( 2 ) if , during those five years , there was a change in the occupier of the premises , the new occupier was a successor to the business carried on by the old occupier ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1958 , s38(2) , ( 3 ) ) .
29 Whether you are on your own or surrounded by family why not make one for your home this Advent ?
30 To a large extent , of course , housing careers may indeed be enforced or constrained by market processes or government authorities .
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