Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] they to " in BNC.

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1 Processing items as soon as possible after soiling and/or submitting them to preliminary treatment .
2 The hallway and various passages off it were full of visitors helping pyjama-ed relatives in and out of chairs , plumping cushions for them or fetching magazines from a well-stocked rack , or encouraging them to that last little drop of cocoa from what seemed to be a standard issue purple mug .
3 ‘ The aim is to encourage public awareness about the value of the buildings around them and to get owners who no longer want the properties , to sell or lease them to new people . ’
4 Ivory tower allergists discount reactions to food unless an IgE mechanism has been proved , but denying them or attributing them to hypochondriasis is a sign not of scientific superiority but of a head in the sand mentality .
5 Removal of British troops from Northern Ireland or confine them to barracks .
6 Please pass on your ideas — whether they 're articles , photographs , or cartoons — to your local correspondent or send them to me directly at Key Street , and do not hesitate to telephone on with any suggestions you may have .
7 How might such processes be affected in female readers ' responses to stories about males , which concern traditionally male interests and which frequently exclude them altogether or restrict them to a passive role ?
8 Conversely , it is thought that some employers will leap at the chance of employing enrolled nurses knowing or believing them to be a cheaper alternative in terms of pay .
9 Section 22(1) of the Theft Act 1968 stipulates : [ a ] person handles stolen goods if ( otherwise than in the course of the stealing ) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods he dishonestly receives the goods , or dishonestly undertakes or assists in their retention , removal , disposal or realisation by or for the benefit of another person , or if he arranges to do so .
10 It must be proved that the accused handled the goods " knowing or believing them to be stolen goods " and that he acted dishonestly .
11 Clause 172 is also redrafted to clarify the law and reads : [ a ] person is guilty of handling stolen goods if ( otherwise than in the course of the stealing ) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods , he dishonestly —
12 Any system which is exhaustively described by Figure 9 would be incapable of repeating nonsense words or reading them aloud or writing them to dictation .
13 In this sense one is neutral only if one can affect the fortunes of the parties and if one helps or hinders them to an equal degree and one does so because one believes that there are reasons for so acting which essentially depend on the fact that the action has an equal effect on the fortunes of the parties .
14 This particular breach … conducting the premises , or permitting them to be conducted , as a house of ill-fame … is one which in my judgment was not remedied by merely stopping the user .
15 For all its strengths , the game has a few flaws — you ca n't drop objects or give them to another character .
16 You will have to be ruthless if you find that they do n't press successfully , and either move them to another site in the garden , or give them to someone else .
17 Or give them to a nearby playgroup or primary school , which will welcome any old cards that the children can cut up for collages .
18 Whether this device would , in a crisis , have served to drive people away or draw them to the spot seems not to have been put to the test .
19 In the early stages it was finding them a deal , or moving them to the next level up . ’
20 If you use secret gestures , such as hiding your papers or holding them to you , people will assume you have something to hide : use open ones and they will not try to read your notes or see your papers .
21 Additionally the ADC-10 can perform many functions that are only currently available on expensive digital storage oscilloscope such as saving waveforms to disk , or sending them to a printer .
22 Such transfers need to be undertaken with care to avoid damaging the fish or subjecting them to sudden temperature changes .
23 It takes courage to execute someone , to put a bullet through their brains , or blow them to pieces with a bomb .
24 Many people value their group award certificates , such as HNC or HND , highly and wish to display them or present them to prospective employers .
25 If the last counter-offer came from the buyer , then the seller will signify acceptance ( depending on the type of goods and the nature of the transaction concerned ) when he ei ther appropriates goods to the contract , puts their manufacture in hand , or delivers them to the buyer .
26 The staff are n't trained counsellors and Mr Higgins admits they 're learning to deal with caller 's emotional problems as they go along , or refer them to other organisations such as the Samaritans .
27 No city or government wants to build earthen structures or allow them to be built .
28 " That they secure every person in whose family or possession Stolen goods are found , & Commit them to Killarow Prison , & secure all their Effects , and that they Call for Assistants , & such as refuse to report the same , who are to be fyned in Ten pund for each refusal & Deemed Dishonest . "
29 " That they secure every person in whose family or possession Stolen goods are found , & Commit them to Killarow Prison , & secure all their Effects , and that they Call for Assistants , & such as refuse to report the same , who are to be fyned in Ten pund for each refusal & Deemed Dishonest . "
30 We argue out the whys and wherefores of putting our aged relatives in geriatric homes , taking early retirement , buying a pet for the children , or taking them to the circus .
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