Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] she from " in BNC.

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1 In both cases the creditor had left it to the debtor husband to deal with the surety , his wife , and had done nothing to satisfy itself that she understood what she was doing or to protect her from abuse by the debtor of the influence and reliance that would be likely to be present .
2 For a time DeVore simply watched her , following her every movement with the hidden cameras , switching from screen to screen , zooming in to focus on her face or watching her from the far side of the room .
3 Her safety-valve , the thing that prevented her from going round the bend , was the fun of devising and dishing out these splendid punishments , and the lovely thing was that they seemed to work , at any rate for short periods .
4 There seemed to be a blankness in her that prevented her from going any further ; a momentary spark that said , But wait … and then said nothing more .
5 Her appeal to all generations was now something that separated her from almost any other pop star of her generation .
6 If that was all that separated her from childhood , it was n't much .
7 Her head lay next to the thin wall that separated her from the two of them .
8 There may still be time to persuade the authorities to relocate her rather than remove her from the wild .
9 For , after all , it was not humility that restrained her from believing herself to be at first sight infinitely interesting , for she believed herself to be the equal even of Clelia Denham : it was simply a deference to the law of probability .
10 When she was released she had gained some weight , but it was fear of rehospitalisation rather than a true recovery that kept her from losing all the weight again .
11 Anything that kept her from running into Nicolo Sabatini was absolutely fine , which was why she had been delighted a few mornings later at the breakfast-table when he 'd told her he would be away for a few days .
12 But it was n't duty that took her from her bed creeping down the stairs .
13 Margaret Hughes wept in the backseat of the police car that took her from the court to prison .
14 Kramarae and Treichler quote Rebecca West 's witty remark , that she is n't sure what a feminist is , she only knows men call her that whenever she does or says anything that differentiates her from a doormat .
15 It was the wickedness of men that removed her from our care .
16 Each had used her ; none had discovered the essential quality that differentiated her from other lovers .
17 Marion was sitting in the sun , her back to the hut that sheltered her from the cold wind .
18 But , to her relief , the voice that greeted her from the other side of the oak door , though indistinct , was that of the porter she had met so briefly the evening before .
19 It was also a pleasant parish , and the vicar 's wife was very kind to Anna and shielded her from exploitation .
20 Tying her lead rope so tightly she could n't move her head , Luke had climbed up and approached her from above .
21 She waited for morning , the words playing through her mind and keeping her from sleep .
22 Dom João offered her his hand and helped her from the litter .
23 He got out and helped her from her seat , and turned to do the same for Dana .
24 I asked the police to ring her father and ask him to come and collect her from school .
25 Then , John said , he would know that she had been arrested because she had forgotten her pass , which all blacks had to carry , and would automatically telephone his father to go and fetch her from prison .
26 Dreamer came up to Tallis and tugged and twisted her from the frozen ground .
27 Take your wife , if you please , and remove her from my sight . ’
28 She was running wildly when the two college students saw her and recognised her from the party as Greg 's girlfriend .
29 The magistrates fined her £130 and disqualified her from driving for 19 months .
30 Seeing she was getting nowhere with Paul , he had taken over and saved her from having to cope with a great deal of harassment .
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