Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] back " in BNC.

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1 Quote a Latin tag at him by mistake and he will examine his shoes or smile brazenly back at you .
2 whether he will be invited to lunch with Rose and Phil , and if not , whether to get a sandwich in a pub , or go straight back to the office , send out for sandwiches , and catch up on the plans for the Manchester Marina scheme ; and if so , whether to order egg and tomato sandwiches , or cheese and chutney , or some of each ;
3 Being tight-fisted individuals we by-passed the fee-paying nature trail through the woods and crossed the beck to join a Green Lane that led pleasantly back to Clapham and the end of a fine day 's trek through Yorkshire 's classic karst and pavement country .
4 ‘ It had to be Windsor , too — not Balmoral or Sandringham but the castle that goes right back to the Normans — and the Queen 's favourite chapel , stripped to a skeleton of its former self .
5 The vast majority of black people go to church ; it 's a way of life that goes way back .
6 Then there were the sweeping layers of thin gauzy curtains that swished elegantly back to reveal the screen .
7 Macaulay found The Prelude ‘ to the last degree Jacobinical , indeed Socialist ’ : the linking of words that look far back into the past and equally far forward into the future shows that from the point of view of the Whig benches at any rate , Wordsworth 's politics were lamentably consistent .
8 There is no enjoyment in climbing Whernside in mist or rain but if overtaken by bad weather , a perfect lifeline to safety is provided by a five-mile ridge wall that leads infallibly back to the environs of Ingleton .
9 Our mothers are cousins , and there was something that happened way back when they were children — my mother saved David 's mother 's life , or something .
10 It 's not just an event in history two thousand years ago , something that happened way back i in a back water of the Roman empire , that 's not the really important issue for you and for me today it 's , the important thing is that you and I have to stand in that same place that Pilate stood and we have to make that same decision , what will I do then with Jesus that is called the Christ ?
11 Yes , it 's true , you 're holding the final chapter in a long-running saga that began way back in 1985 .
12 It leaves precious few clues for anyone in search of lines that trace directly back to Gedge 's own life .
13 The burger bar is doing a sizzling trade and Pacitto 's , dear old Pacitto 's the best ice cream you can buy for my money has a queue that stretches halfway back to Middlesbrough .
14 The sound seemed to come from a heap of stones that lay well back among the trees .
15 He pulled at the starting device , a coil of plastic-covered wire that snapped obediently back into position after each attempt to engage the engine .
16 Though her natural inclination was to turn round and zoom straight back again , Mildred could see that there was no escape .
17 Erm , er , now of course to get back to the ambulance erm if somebody comes out of an epileptic fit and goes immediately back into another one , then you must call an ambulance , it takes so much from the person , it takes so much energy that the person ca n't possible go into one fit after another , erm without showing some affects and therefore you would have to get them to hospital , if you do n't and they have two or three fits one after another they can die , so they must go to hospital .
18 His natural instinct is to make Ali laugh : today he has to settle for biting his lower lip and gazing warily back and forth between Ali and his nurses .
19 Kiku adjusted her veil and rode sedately back towards Zurachina 's cart .
20 He speaks a few sentences of rapid Thai to the guard , who stares at the two of them , breaks into a comprehending smile and turns away back to his hut at the foot of the drive .
21 Even when she was finally outside , in the morning sunshine , she had to fight the urge to turn round and rush straight back to that flat over the stables — back to Julius .
22 Got home and got straight back into the harvest .
23 Asik rose to his feet and moved slightly back from the road .
24 ‘ I seem to have been here so often before , ’ Briant said heavily and moved wearily back to his chair .
25 Perhaps she should just forget it and fly straight back to London .
26 It is a harder look that denies unemployment , actual or probable ; it refuses the fact of recession and industrial decrepitude ; it stares the social lie of mid-eighties Britain right in the eye and lies right back .
27 The American boy apologized haltingly in French as he knelt to return the shivering pet to her , but once the animal was safely in her arms again she turned and fled shyly back to her father 's side without speaking .
28 McLeish saw that she was crying again , but decided coldly there was nothing he was going to do and trudged wearily back to the lift , the morning 's cheerfulness totally evaporated .
29 He turned round and drove slowly back , past the abandoned Hoverport , the replica of the longboat in which the Saxons had come to England and the monument where St. Augustine had first set foot in Thanet .
30 Joshua spun the Rover , locked its doors and drove swiftly back to Wenlock Manor .
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