Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [vb pp] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Judicial review does lie to the visitor in cases where he has acted outside his jurisdiction in the sense that he did not have the power under the regulating documents to enter into the adjudication of the dispute , or has abused his power , or has acted in breach of the rules of natural justice ( post , pp. 1114F–G , G–H , 1125H , 1126C–D , 1129H — 1130A ) .
2 This may be because the client has misinformed the agency , or has redefined your duties prior to your arrival .
3 A particular fish either ends up on its own because it has been badly injured , or has lost its mate , or may have been bought on impulse , the reasons are many and varied .
4 If the retaining bar on the main bed is worn , that is , with the sponge damaged , worn out or having lost its spring , you will get problems when knitting .
5 After that , the Minoans appear either to have lost interest in temple-worship , or to have restructured their economy in such a way that it could no longer sustain — or no longer needed — large temple-complexes .
6 Why , then , was John Titford a member of this glorified Home Guard when , at the age of 23 , we might have expected him to have joined the regular army or to have found his way somehow into the militia ?
7 Whether Annie and Lizzie had heard of the Sunday visit or had marked her absence was n't clear but they appeared almost conciliatory compared to previous days .
8 After the president 's office had released his controversial decree without any reference to a ‘ special order ’ of rule — the provision that had most alarmed the legislature — observers said it was not clear whether he had revised the decree to meet the demands of the Constitutional Court and parliament or had exaggerated its harshness in his weekend speech .
9 ( Of course , I am assuming that you have learned your part , know what you want to say to your audience or have done your revision . )
10 She might then have sought and received public assistance or have pledged her husband 's credit with tradesmen : in which case the National Assistance Board might have summoned him before the magistrates , or the tradesmen might have sued him in the county court .
11 or have made their living
12 It is much easier for us to disobey God when we have developed a calloused conscience , or have paralysed our desires for God .
13 Other companies , like Britain 's Harrods , have set up their own shops within big stores or have bought their own boutiques abroad .
14 What is equally important to know , however , is how these genes have either been co-opted or have changed their function , not only among metazoan phyla but in their protistan ancestors .
15 The majority of patients ( 90% ) have been completely cured of their symptoms ( score 0 ) or have had their major symptoms cured and occasionally experience minor discomfort ( score 1 ) .
16 The only side effects worth considering are the consequences for the rest of society , in particular those of us who have had our cars or homes broken into , or have had our hard-earned leisure time wrecked by noise , rubbish and other anti-social behaviour such as illegal ‘ festivals ’ and acid parties .
17 Some have done well and now own the businesses in which they were once employed or have opened their own .
18 The Law Society will have powers to suspend a solicitor convicted of a serious crime from practice before taking disciplinary proceedings , and to intervene in the practices of solicitors who are incapacitated or have abandoned their practices .
19 Many farmers , especially those on hill farms dependent on purchased fodder , have significantly reduced cow numbers or have dispersed their herds entirely .
20 Well , I 'eard — well , someone told me you was lookin' after some poor tart that 'ad 'urt 'er leg , an' young Linda said so .
21 I really feel a foreigner and walk up the drive cursing the mud that has ruined my gold stilettos .
22 Maybe , then , it is The Smiths ' natural unease before cameras that has motivated their hatred of video .
23 This backward projection is one of the things that has motivated my own work on present-day speech communities , and my interest in how the authority of the legitimized variety is promoted in linguistic scholarship J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) .
24 In doing so they offer , it seems , their most conclusive definition of the word that has inspired their fiction :
25 ‘ Unfortunately my wife could n't come because she teaches , but I expect that has curtailed my sightseeing and increased my output . ’
26 So when we come across one that has reached its sixth , we must sit up , take notice and ask why market forces have singled it out for special success .
27 This is the more remarkable since by this time , its mother may have already given birth to another tiny baby that has made its way to the pouch and is fastened on to a teat imbibing milk of a quite different composition .
28 Last September the Hungarian-born American financier George Soros executed a financial coup that has made his humanitarian cup run over .
29 On the other hand , we tend not to see the intense depression in a motionless and unresponsive horse , or the annoyance in one that has turned its back on the horse or person offending it , or the anxiety in the tightened abdominal muscles of the showpony expecting the pain of the spur .
30 You can so aim your plot that the events you will have to describe reflect on whatever current preoccupation of society it is that has fired your imagination ; your theme .
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