Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you want to borrow or lend money on a rolling settlement basis we can bundle it in with the service .
2 The pies were produced within the public houses themselves by the manager 's wife or catering assistant on the basis of recipes prepared by this department .
3 It is impossible to predict whether a particular task will help or hinder performance on a second task .
4 In the first instance , a simple solicitor 's letter may be sufficient to halt the work you wish to stop or to prompt action on a derelict building .
5 If you would like to join the committee and influence policy , pass on a good idea , attend the community lunch held for those working in the area , get involved in producing the regular Headington Area Newsletter , join an informal discussion group or borrow material on Health , Parenting or Caring for the Elderly , make a special request or offer your services as a tutor or Youth Club volunteer , we would love to hear from you .
6 Unlike other members of his family , who are all related to Miss Havisham , he refuses to flatter her or dance attendance on her in the hopes of a legacy .
7 If a centre wants to find out about compatibility of their computer system and SCOTVEC 's or wants information on specifications to set up a system , contact myself or my colleague Fraser MacFarlane .
8 Mr was well aware because he 'd been told by the plaintiffs solicitors that the plaintiffs received terms for cover or to obtain interest on their costs , the plaintiffs solicitors wrote specifically to Mr enquiring was his offer in , in the sum of forty two thousand pounds , that 's er the possible agreed settlement figure for costs , er if it was inclusive or exclusive of interest erm there were some delay but er Mr wrote back in due course making clear that interest was n't included , I should also say that in Mr er proposed bill of costs he had disallowed interest for a fairly short period in respect of both the plaintiffs bill of costs and the defendants bill of costs and the plaintiffs solicitors do n't appear to have erm taken any point on that , but as I say it , the point as to interest was specifically raised by the plaintiffs solicitors letter and er I 'm quite satisfied on the correspondence that they when it came to the matter were seen , were desires of obtaining interest in respect of their costs .
9 Ask me instead about the Meaning of Life it would probably be easier to explain It all depends on whether you go First Class , Standard , on a Friday or Bank Holiday , before 9am , after 6pm , book a week in advance or want dinner on the train .
10 A failure to give such information might also be relevant on a petition to wind-up the company on the ‘ just and equitable ’ ground or to grant relief on the ground that the affairs of the company are being conducted in a manner unfairly prejudicial to members .
11 Poor Anna had been very indiscreet , the fascisti were going to arrest her or put pressure on her to leave the country for good , but he had been assured that if the principessa were to live again with him quietly in Rome nobody would touch her .
12 If you need to reach into awkward joints or spread glue on a large area , two optional screw-on nozzles are offered .
13 Does he understand that , while he may postpone or prevent debate on such matters in the House , outside he will be called upon to justify his incompetence ?
14 But it has been generally dry , apart from the odd sleet or hail shower on the west coast and parts of Argyll .
15 Seasonal conditions which inhibited or prevented travel on the roads have been made much of by historians , but the mushrooming growth in scheduled services after 1760 is testimony to a substantial improvement in this respect .
16 A bank can not predict which of its customers wish to withdraw or deposit money on any given day ; a travel firm can not control which of its package tours will be booked at a particular time .
17 It is also likely that my friend will , at some point , have been to see the SUSA Welfare Officer and obtained help with a late grant , or received advice on one of a whole host of student problems from harassment to housing .
18 Normally , the first step in any process is to select an option from an index page , and thereafter to request or provide information on display pages .
19 ( g ) To lend and advance money or give credit on any terms with or without security to any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any holding company , subsidiary or fellow subsidiary of , or any other company associated in any way with , the Company ) , to enter into guarantees , contracts of indemnity and suretyships of all kinds , to receive money on deposit or loan upon any terms , and to secure or guarantee in any manner and upon any terms the payment of any sum of money or the performance of any obligation by any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any such holding company , subsidiary , fellow subsidiary or associated company as aforesaid ) .
20 ( g ) To lend and advance money or give credit on any terms with or without security to any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any holding company , subsidiary or fellow subsidiary of , or any other company associated in any way with , the Company ) , to enter into guarantees , contracts of indemnity and suretyships of all kinds , to receive money on deposit or loan upon any terms , and to secure or guarantee in any manner and upon any terms the payment of any sum of money or the performance of any obligation by any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any such holding company , subsidiary , fellow subsidiary or associated company as aforesaid ) .
21 try reaching a compromise or give way on one ( lesser ) risk so as to obtain your teenager 's agreement to forego another one .
22 This means you can have the advantage of a bank account , viz. cheque book , statements , automatic cash dispensers , with the added advantage of accruing interest on any monies in your building society account and being able to pay in or withdraw money on Saturday mornings .
23 ‘ I create my own coloured tissue paper by finger painting and trickling or spraying paint on it , ’ he explains .
24 These same pressures help to explain why vacations are not taken and long hours are accepted as any individual decision to take a holiday or finish work on time places a burden on the rest of the work group .
25 Few guests enjoy bending double to eat or balancing lasagne on the knee .
26 Consequently , had the dye in Ingham provoked a reaction even to a " normal " customer , but the effect was exacerbated because of the particular customer 's sensitive skin , the hairdresser could not avoid or limit liability on this ground ( see Parsons ( Livestock ) Ltd v Uttley , Ingham and Co [ 1978 ] QB 791 ) .
27 You can hire an architect or get advice on digging drains .
28 Is it permitted to do good or to do evil on the Sabbath , to save life or to destroy it ( Mark 3:4 ; Luke 14:3 ) .
29 Is it permitted to do good or to do evil on the Sabbath ; to save life or to kill ?
30 Tom Drake or Anne Galloway of the Assessment Department will be happy to discuss any aspect of the college 's assumption of responsibility for assessment or to give information on the systems which other centres are adopting .
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