Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [that] while " in BNC.

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1 The Department of Transport which will take the final decison about the route says ’ it 's no secret plans to link Aylesbury with the M40 are part of an east-west route across the country … and adds that while the road ’ is likely to be dual carriageway , it 's not planned to be a motorway . ’
2 I went to the alpine Club library in London and found that while the mountain does n't have the drama of the Matterhorn or the Eiger , there had been a lot of activity on it in the Golden Age .
3 He plans to market CIRVs in packs of six for £50,000 , and says that while potential users such as the SAS and RAF aircrew have shown great interest in the concept , Whitehall purse keepers have yet to be convinced .
4 Lydia asks me to pass her thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously to the campaign and says that while little has changed in the way of living conditions for the prisoners and their families , the campaigners are confident of their victory .
5 Andrew Neil , editor of the Sunday Times , described it as a ‘ busybody 's charter ’ and added that while the MPs said they were trying to protect small people they were really protecting themselves .
6 At the mention of Whillans ’ middle-aged spread , Steve smiles and observes that while he and Greg Child began the climbing thin and disappeared , Whillans trimmed down to normal weight .
7 He proposed a reduction in the State President 's powers , and reaffirmed that while the Separate Amenities Act would be repealed in 1990 , and the Group Areas Act replaced with a non-discriminatory law the following year , other apartheid legislation would remain on the statute book until a new constitution was drawn up .
8 FRY Prime Minister Milan Panic claimed that the Security Council resolution [ see below ] had set a dangerous precedent , and warned that while " the matter pertains to Yugoslavia today , tomorrow it could be any other country " .
9 The study classified adjustments as modifying the cause , modifying the loss or distributing the loss and established that while flood control expenditures had multiplied the level of flood damages had risen , and that the natural purpose of reducing the toll of flood losses by building flood control projects had not been achieved ( White , 1973 ) .
10 Anita encouraged him to go and decided that while he was away , running a shop would be a less demanding occupation than working all hours in a restaurant .
11 Marxist feminists are quick to point to the essentialism of much of radical feminism , and argue that while women 's oppression is almost universal , it has taken different forms in different societies .
12 the reform of judicial and penal systems so that only criminals are sent to prison , and ensuring that while they are there , their basic human rights are strictly respected ; and
13 But he wrote of the then almost unthinkable independence of the Ukraine and Baltic countries , of the possibility of a Soviet commonwealth , and concluded that while ‘ Marxist doctrine has delayed the break-up of the Russian Empire it does not possess the power to prevent it . ’
14 President Cristiani , who at the beginning of February flew to New York for meetings with UN representatives , agreed to the meeting but requested that while Pérez de Cuéllar could be present he should not participate .
15 At the signing ceremony , Kravchuk endorsed the arms reduction treaty between Russia and the USA , but emphasised that while Ukraine intended to become a non-nuclear power , the summit treaties applied to Russia alone and Ukraine would be an independent party to any treaties stemming from former USA-Soviet Union agreements .
16 It advised children on the ease of getting gonorrhoea , but said that while syphilis was more fun , it was more difficult to get .
17 The Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Hisham Nazer was quoted before the meeting as saying that while Saudi Arabia would continue to support the US$21 reference price , it would not " force that on the market by a deliberate creation of shortage " .
18 Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev was quoted on Sept. 29 as saying that while " the West and a number of other countries insisted on the exclusion of Yugoslavia from the UN , we did not share this view " .
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