Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Many airlines are so confused or battered that they no longer have anything resembling a clear business strategy .
2 When something goes wrong , I find the quickest way to make matters worse is to launch in with my own fury , or insist that they repair the damage MY way .
3 Conservative Members say that they do not wish to pursue people or insist that their will should be enforced .
4 In the next scene Macbeth , speaking alone and with no need to deceive anyone ( given the convention in Elizabethan drama that what characters say in soliloquy is true ) , admits the evil of their ‘ deep intent ’ : Duncan is ‘ clear ’ , really has that freedom from guilt or stain that his wife had urged Macbeth to assume : in a sense he tries to do so here , in his defence of Duncan 's right to be treated with love and respect , and in his invocation of ‘ pity ’ , that constant test of humanity in Shakespeare .
5 Without this information , the speechreader may appear to interrupt rudely or think that something is going on that he is missing .
6 Force the other party to try hard to get your attention and let them know or think that they could lose out to someone else .
7 If I showed the slightest sign of taking sides about Bodyline , or suggesting that it was a threat to cricket , my reports would be censored and I would probably be replaced .
8 Discuss the importance of the UP to urban and inner cities community development initiatives with your MP and any other MP or Peer that you may have contact with and ask them to raise these issues with government .
9 No more scrabbling for notepads or realising that you 've left your diary on your secretary 's desk .
10 The leitmotif of Coetzee 's book , as suggested by his title , is that the organizations he has studied faced an ongoing dilemma : whether to function as adjuncts of the Conservative party or to claim that their aims were ‘ national ’ and therefore ‘ above party ’ .
11 It is also illegal for manufacturers to give their product a misleading name , or to claim that it is made of a particular ingredient which in fact makes up a very small proportion of the product .
12 Britain grinds out almost five million tonnes of hazardous waste each year , of which about 63,000 tonnes are so difficult to store or treat that they are burnt at high temperatures here in Gwent or at one of three other centres : Ellesmere Port ; Fawley , near Southampton ; and the unfortunately named Killamarsh , near Sheffield .
13 I do n't know if it 's sex , or fear that I 'm up to some trick .
14 Even if you are resorting to it out of nervousness or fear that you have bad breath it will create a very negative impression on the interviewer .
15 If you are one of them , do not worry , or fear that you will be handicapped as a helper and comforter .
16 There 's no way that a farrier can shoe a horse that is so angry or frightened that it is rearing and leaping all over the place .
17 You may like to add the name of one or two referees to your c.v. , either to vouch for your general honesty and reliability or to confirm that you have the skills and experience you claim in the c.v .
18 Five others either declared their candidacy or announced that they would soon do so : Edmund G. ( Jerry ) Brown Jr , Governor of California in 1975-83 ; Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ; Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa ; Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska , and Governor L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia .
19 It is surely not being excessively pompous to see this as one sign of a trivialisation of European civilisation , or to accept that there has been a catastrophic spiritual impoverishment of national life when a country such as our own , which once thought of itself as Christian , can for the most part simply ignore today 's commemoration of Christ 's passion and death .
20 What is it to claim authority or to accept that someone has authority over one ?
21 Who remembers or cares that it was he , who as minister of local government , introduced the poll tax and defended it passionately to the death ?
22 It is infuriating to have to mow an extra half width , or to find that you can not turn a corner without complicated manoeuvres .
23 Average scores for each nurse and resident were calculated for both collaboration and satisfaction , and their perceptions of alternative decision choices were assessed by asking them how much they agreed or disagreed that there was no alternative choice in the case of each specific patient .
24 Attempting to copy a decorative technique can confirm or disprove that it produces the same appearance and microstructure observed on the original item .
25 The phatic function : opening the channel or checking that it is working , either for social reasons ( ‘ Hello' , ‘ Lovely weather ’ , ‘ Do you come here often ? ’ ) , or for practical ones ( ‘ Can you hear me ? ’ ,
26 It 's worth stepping back a little and considering your own personality before drawing up a birth plan or vowing that you will never have an epidural whatever the circumstances .
27 We expect , or say that we expect , that individuals will be appointed to social offices of all kinds in their individual capacity and on the basis of their individual merit .
28 Often they will comment that they did it deliberately , for some poor reason or other , or say that they could , of course , have touched down earlier if they had really tried .
29 Moreover , it would appear that the difference is that the latter sentence expresses my belief that I have the belief that it is raining , and says that I have the belief that it is raining , and does not express the belief that it is raining or say that it is raining .
30 Never reveal any information about yourself to a stranger or say that you are alone .
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