Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wood needs to be stained or painted but with new microporous paints and preservatives , the finish will last much longer .
2 ‘ Bring what you will , poverty or reviling and with a wave of my wand I will turn it to good .
3 … the dimension of time has been shattered , we can not love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes off along its own trajectory and immediately disappears .
4 Equally , a doctor need not respect a parent 's or legal guardian 's demand that treatment be continued or altered if in his view it is pointless , and the treatment would be categorized as ethically not indicated .
5 When the scales are lifted or broken because of damage , hair looks porous and dull .
6 Of course , so few are aware of his background and he being , shall we say , a little unorthodox in his dealings with people , never seems to think of it or to realize that in some circles it might be of — of help to him .
7 But then , unexpectedly , he finds that his fault has been overlooked or forgiven and at once the world reappears in brilliant colours , full of delightful prospects .
8 Leaves are narrow , bright green , tapering to a point at the tip , wavy or crinkled and with a bold midrib with two parallel veins on either side of it .
9 A copy was sent to the office of the British Resident Minister and the copy reproduced at the beginning of this chapter is marked " Concurred Br Resmin " ( we shall go into the question of how much Harold Macmillan was personally aware of , or consulted as to its contents in Chapter 14 ) .
10 The answer is potentially everyone , but more particularly your neighbours , friends , and acquaintances anybody with whom you have dealings , and especially those you envy because of their success , or fear because of your good fortune .
11 We can not exclude them from our notion of property or deny that in a sense , at any rate , he is the owner of them .
12 The records must contain day-to-day entries of all money received or expended and of the matters to which that related and a record of the company 's assets and liabilities .
13 We simply do not have enough evidence yet to back up the claim that ‘ people are almost certainly ill , dead , or dying because of these sloppy waste disposal activities ’ ( Openshaw et al. 1989 : 12 ) .
14 Is the answer not to keep such breeds of dogs , or to accept that in doing so there is going to be a consequence of damage to the environment , albeit localised and perhaps , in terms of our global worries , extremely small ?
15 At any rate , it would be an exaggeration to speak of a collapse of militancy , or to infer that over the long term workers ' resistance can not be maintained .
16 In voting overwhelmingly on Nov. 14 for the debate , the Supreme Soviet had come out in open revolt against its legislation being either ignored or countermanded because of administrative chaos and the so-called " war of laws " with the republics .
17 ( 4 ) For purposes of this section ‘ deception ’ means any deception ( whether deliberate or reckless ) by words or conduct as to fact or as to law , including a deception as to the present intentions of the person using the deception or any other person .
18 That section is in the following terms : ( 1 ) Every one who by words spoken or written or by conduct represents himself , or who knowingly suffers himself to be represented , as a partner in a particular firm , is liable as a partner to any one who has on the faith of any such representation given credit to the firm , whether the representation has or has not been made or communicated to the person so giving credit by or with the knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or suffering it to be made .
19 The charge for taxation is based on the profit for the period and takes into account taxation deferred or accelerated because of timing differences between the treatment of certain items for accounting and taxation purposes .
20 Routine thinking throws up no ideas about how to work on or round or against a seemingly impossible situation — which reaffirms powerlessness .
21 Far from being unflattering , they add cleavage , volume or support as in the Gossard Wonderbra .
22 Similarly the value of something is intrinsically bound up with the way in which someone who recognizes it is drawn to it , or repelled by it if the value is negative , but is not merely a disposition to attract or repel , for we can not be thus attracted or repelled except by recognizing ( or at least seeming to recognize ) a value
23 I could n't make up my own mind whether to get him to lengthen or shorten and in consequence I did n't make his mind up to do either and we floundered over it untidily , his hooves rapping the wooden frames , my weight too far forward … a mess .
24 One of the major costs of implementing new technology was the need to train for new skills , but Ms Edwards found that once new technology was adopted it was often under-used or misapplied because of the lack of expertise and investment .
25 That 's very important to understand , for most of the aircraft 's performance and behaviour is governed by its formidable ability to accelerate or decelerate because of the availability of power in large quantities and propeller drag in proportional amounts .
26 This resolves any remaining doubt about whether the court has power to award interest on an interlocutory judgment whether on default or acknowledgement of service , notice of intention to defend or pleading or on an admission of liability .
27 " All men have said or thought that at one time or another .
28 Site dimensions and levels should be checked , as dimensions on legal documents are often obscure or non-existent or classed as for identification purposes only .
29 And shall there insert every persons name that shall be wedded christened or buryded And for the sauff ( safe ) kepinge the same boke the parish shale bonde to provide of these comen charges one sure coffer with twoo lockes and keys where of the one to remayne with you and the other with the said wardens , wherein the said boke shalbe laide upp Which boke ye shall every Sonday take furthe and in the presence of the said wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the weddinges , christenyngs and buryenges made the hole weke before , And that done to lay upp the boke in the said coffer as afore .
30 Neither will the contract be avoided or frustrated if at the time the goods perish , property has already passed to the buyer .
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