Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The federal Treasurer Paul Keating suggested that the state should either offer up the SBSA for sale , or sell off some of its other assets to cover the losses , rather than raise taxes in order to keep control of the bank .
2 Equally it might be argued that since withdrawal from NATO was the last card he could play in his campaign against American influence , short of defecting from the West altogether , there were good reasons not to play it until it seemed likely to be effective or became absolutely necessary .
3 I was not angry or upset so much as concerned by the lads going so far in the wrong direction .
4 No prizes for guessing what happens to the net — and you are left with the task of extricating the hedgehog without damaging the net or wasting too much time .
5 What happens when Mrs B goes on holiday or goes off sick ?
6 The reason , frequently given , and I shudder because I can remember advancing it myself on a history syllabus committee , is that since primary schooling is terminal for many children , they must cover the ground or remain forever ignorant .
7 If agreement can not be reached , the banks , which include National Westminster and Midland , have the power to close the project or bring in fresh management .
8 How far did war affect the economy or bring about social change ?
9 You do n't relax or laugh very much , perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you .
10 The orthodox visualized themselves cutting through the wire or bringing off some unprecedented bluff at the main gate .
11 Choose a scheme that will tone in with your tablecloth and china or pick out one small colour detail and highlight it with your floral display .
12 Naturally , some of these indications are quite likely to be related to problems other than faulty vision , but since sight problems may be causing them , a screening test which is , after all , quick and easy to perform should help to confirm or rule out defective vision as a reason for concern .
13 Clearly , it can not be a comprehensive dictionary of every word used in science , but the editors have shrewdly picked those likely to cause problems or confusion — distinguishing Zygomycetes from Zygomycotina , for instance , or helping to spell Richard Adolf Zsigmondy 's name , or reminding how many letters are doubled in old-fashioned arsenurretted hydrogen .
14 At the turn of the century , Russian society was changing and it was the challenge of the autocracy to absorb these changes or push increasingly alienated social groups further into political and social isolation .
15 All this is true , but it entirely misses the point , which is that snorers either drink too much , smoke too much or eat too much .
16 Their inability to see or echolocate over longer distances undoubtedly contributes to their frequency of net entanglement .
17 The economic activity rate is the percentage of the relevant population either in work or registered as unemployed .
18 Where unemployment is not defined as per the Act the only common requirements within the policy wordings are that the claimant is in receipt of unemployment benefit ( or registered as unemployed with the DOE/DHSS ) and is available for/actively seeking employment .
19 They should be either burnt or laid out flat to dry , or kept in an airtight tin .
20 Her clothing moulds itself to her body so as to reveal or to promise as much of the delights within as it conceals ; it too includes silk , soft to the touch ( 3235 ) and the fresh warm taste of morning milk ( 3236 ) .
21 It is of course a very difficult subject to talk about and many families who know or suspect that a relative has killed himself or tried to , are ashamed and refuse to talk about it , or make up all kinds of stories to cover the fact up .
22 3 Starting Either use the Starter sentence , or make up one of your own .
23 When they get drunk , have a binge , take on yet another new project or make even more plans for someone else 's recovery , they are not relapsing ; they are still suffering , still believing that they can compromise with the concept of powerlessness over mind-altering substances or behaviours .
24 Less controversially , it soon becomes apparent to personnel involved in course and presenter evaluation that student respondents rarely assign very poor ratings , or make extremely negative comments , even when other indicators such as colleague judgement suggest that a course has been presented particularly poorly .
25 Transactions of this kind must make us pause before we condemn all landlords as Gradgrinds , or make too large assumptions about the nature of medieval serfdom .
26 The aim of treatment is not for a young child to lose weight as it would be in an adult , but to maintain their weight or make below normal weight gain ( Dietz 1984 ) .
27 point out a specialist department or service not available anywhere else
28 In the preceding decade London and other large metropolitan cities recorded massive population losses ; medium-sized cities either lost people or experienced only slow growth .
29 The value of A 2 will tell us whether or not the size of the polymer coil , which is dissolved in a particular solvent , will be perturbed or expanded over that of the unperturbed state , but the extent of this expansion is best estimated by calculating the expansion factor α .
30 Both the military and the family metaphors of management celebrate cooperation between people and the possibilities of conflict are denied , or made not legitimate .
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