Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The patient is placed on the toilet or commode every two or three hours , and the carer carefully explains why each time .
2 But I am saying that the phrase ‘ there occur mental processes ’ does not mean the same sort of thing as ‘ there occur physical processes ’ , and , therefore , that it makes no sense to conjoin or disjoin the two .
3 They then count , but they must not say any number that is a multiple of seven or has a seven in it .
4 Faxing or telexing a 60–70 page document is a time-consuming and therefore expensive process , and always with that nagging uncertainty that one or two pages might not have transmitted properly .
5 Employers are sometimes guilty of blurring or confusing the two .
6 Would his lungs bake , and his eyes poach , and his skin crisp to crackling before he had even fallen or slid a hundred metres ?
7 Experts believed that the death toll could have been much higher but for the recently installed early warning system which had allowed time for many people to move to safety or to use the 300 concrete cyclone shelters built under the Cyclone Preparedness Programme , run mainly by the Bangladesh Red Crescent .
8 Is it still feasible for the British Parliament to pass an Act repealing or amending the 1972 European Communities Act which enshrined the Treaty of Rome in British law ?
9 ‘ The FA should have been brave and made a decision either to eliminate Peterborough or allow the 9-1 result to stand .
10 No one impeded or questioned the two fugitives .
11 If I lived in , , , , ten years waiting list , ten years waiting list to have the opportunity , if there is an opportunity to come , to own or get a three bedroomed house .
12 Is ‘ no ’ added to ‘ not ’ for emphasis , or do the two negatives cancel each other out ?
13 Or did the 1991 Geneva show provide the cheer we all needed ?
14 ‘ Night or day , give or take a hundred feet , right on the spot . ’
15 Give or take a hundred thousand in each case .
16 The accuracy of the figures , give or take the one poll in 20 that might prove to be a ‘ rogue ’ , was now , it seemed , beyond dispute .
17 Arresting or deporting the tens of thousands of Palestinian professionals who would be employed in perfectly apolitical , harmless and humanitarian jobs can only further isolate the Israeli Government .
18 At the world 's main airports a plane arrives or departs every 30 seconds .
19 These can be displayed , cleared or have the four basic operations performed on them allowing eleven different sums to be carried out simultaneously .
20 THE WELSH are closing in on the standards of play that immortalised the sixties and seventies as the golden age of their rugby .
21 There is also Hitsville , the Motown museum , housed in the tiny two-storey house that became a 60s legend .
22 Just before the publication of the Bill that became the 1988 Education Reform Act , opinion in Great Britain was evenly divided over whether control of the curriculum should be in the hands of local education authorities or of central government ; this is shown in Figure 10.4 .
23 In the quadruple expression vector that made the 4 structural proteins of BTV , the weaker site was used for expression of VP3 , since the molar proportion of VP3 in VLPs is much less than the other three major proteins of BTV ( 27 , 28 ) .
24 The gait of the creatures that made the four sets of trails has been described in detail , two weeks ago , at a conference in Berkeley , California .
25 The transformations that made the 740 into the 940 — a more rounded rump with a bigger boot , a more modern , 960-like facia , bigger brakes and more front headroom — are all worthwhile , and the 940 SE Turbo is solid , well built , generously equipped and decently rapid .
26 Now a group of about 4,000 former residents of the institutions in the 1950s and 1960s has filed a lawsuit against seven religious orders that operated a dozen orphanages or mental hospitals , accusing them of physical , sexual and psychological abuse and seeks damages of almost £1 billion .
27 The Clerides camp said a Vassiliou victory would open the way for a communist takeover , while supporters of Mr Vassiliou accused Mr Clerides of ties to the extreme right that led the 1974 coup seeking union with Greece .
28 Bernice felt rather than heard the two explosions , like a double heartbeat , and then the corridor was filled with flames .
29 Nucleotide positions of parthenogenesis and incompatibility bacteria are shown that distinguish the two sequence subgroups .
30 There are also systems ( e.g. in Australian and New Guinea languages ) that distinguish the three dimensions of space , having demonstratives that gloss as " the one above the speaker " , " the one below the speaker " , " the one level with the speaker " as well as distinguishing relative distance from participants ( see e.g. Dixon , 1972 : 262ff re Dyirbal ) .
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