Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 Or helping to write some plays .
2 Retaliation would be allowed against a country which refused to implement a panel 's final report or failed to reach some other approved agreement within 30 days .
3 A patent is also infringed if a person supplies or offers to supply some other person with any of the means , relating to an essential element of the invention , for putting the invention into effect .
4 I watched as my veiled friends chatted busily to each other or rose to greet some relative , touching burgah to burgah , then fluttered down again like so many birds of paradise .
5 Even where individuals have not been to the West Indies themselves , they often live in a household with an older person of the same generation ( e.g. an older sibling ) who either was born there or has spent some time there .
6 For most people this introduction took place in early childhood , and the failure is made manifest by the steady disillusionment which , all too often as the years go by and adulthood brings the inevitable struggle of innate common sense to prevail , leaves them either cynical and faithless , or constrained to join some form of sectarian cult .
7 Anything in writing is a guarantee if it " contains or purports to contain some promise or assurance " ( s5(2) ( b ) ) .
8 The quickening of awareness in pleasure and the shrinking from it in pain are spontaneous , as I discover whenever I suffer , or deliberately resist a temptation , or try to enjoy some cultivated entertainment which bores me .
9 If one is still searching for ways to explain this absence , believing with most ethologists , socio-biologists , and even some social anthropologists that aggression is part of human nature , then the obvious place to look is for some form of ritual as catharsis , or try to identify some other culturally constructed behaviour pattern which allows the individual Chewong to shed negatively valued arousal states , like anger , which according to such theories would build up and erupt in uncontrolled violent behaviour .
10 Anthony Tory , who misses the ride on Docklands Express , is believed to have pulled a muscle in the back of his neck or to have displaced some vertebrae .
11 Those who are not familiar with this background , or wish to take some advantage of it , be they customers , arbitrators , or the exchange 's own employees or members , are often suspicious about claims as to the form this business background takes , and its relevance to the matter in hand .
12 In general , the women in the study had spent their wages on food , items for the children or had saved some money while their husband 's wages were spent on larger bills .
13 They were at rest just now , as if Daine were pausing in his expansion or had met some unforeseen check .
14 Although he was a fully qualified pilot , he never to my knowledge ( certainly not whilst he was with No 7 Squadron ) was ever captain of an aircraft ; he had been second pilot , or flown as mid- upper , or rear gunner or had taken some other crew function , but at the same time he would be researching and demonstrating some aspect of a project that he was currently engaged with at the Institute .
15 Perhaps the pilot had been delayed , or had experienced some difficulty in finding a taxi at the station .
16 When the time comes to settle up ( this can be after 25 years ) you may owe money or have made some .
17 Many of the studies that do exist have been small scale or have had some other issue , such as integration , as their key focus , referring to welfare assistance either in passing or as a subsidiary concern .
18 In practice this is likely to mean those schools which are already participating in school improvement schemes or have shown some other indication of an ability to grapple with problems .
19 In practice this is likely to mean those schools which are already participating in school improvement schemes or have shown some other indication of an ability to grapple with problems .
20 Intention movements are activities that tend to precede some other activity , which is presumably why they often evolve into signals .
21 Anorexia nervosa patients seem unable to identify and to respond accurately to their emotional state , a deficit that has received some empirical support .
22 Perhaps it is the extraordinary popularity of The Color Purple that has led some critics to accuse it of being an uncontentious , sentimental and harmless piece of libertarianism , a family homily that is not just optimistic but eventually even utopian .
23 This is a style of abuse that has excited some natural envy among professional satirists .
24 A good example of this would be a site that has seen some activity in Saxon times , and where scarcity of metal finds would be normal .
25 It is this that has made some Americans say that , if Iraq agreed to withdraw from Kuwait , it must abandon its tanks and other heavy equipment .
26 Mr Coleridge inherits a market that has made some sensible moves to improve its competitive edge .
27 The smooth pillars which support it in the centre have capitals of a style that has made some art historians suppose that they may originally have come from the Roman villa or palace presumed to have existed on this site in the fourth century .
28 The natural tendency is to try harder with the project that has gone some distance .
29 I wish to correct a wrong impression that has gained some credence amongst the ignorant and unreasoning public , that sign language — the agency through which we inter.exchange thought and opinion — is calculated to do injury to the intelligence of the deaf and dumb .
30 We will end the neglect that has allowed some former patients to end up sleeping rough and led to others being placed on remand .
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