Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] had [been] " in BNC.

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1 If the creditor had , before the commencement of the bankruptcy , issued execution against the debtor 's goods or attached a debt due to him , that creditor is not entitled to retain the benefit of his execution or attachment unless the execution or attachment had been completed before the commencement of the bankruptcy ( s 346(1) ) .
2 Conversely , instances of anti-abortion legislation which went far beyond the Pennsylvania statute — particularly in Louisiana , Utah and Guam , where attempts had been made to outlaw almost all abortions — appeared doomed to failure .
3 Because of the way in which my visit to the judges and the prison was arranged , I am quite confident that no ‘ set-piece ’ situations or activities had been organized just for my benefit or to create a more favourable impression of the judicial system or the detention centre .
4 In districts where industrial crafts such as weaving or metalworking had been long established many families had a history of involvement in one or more of the local trades over several generations .
5 History might have been different if Cleopatra 's nose had been longer or Napoleon had been taller .
6 Of a random sample of 644 female householders who were or had been married , 87 or 14% had been the victims of rape or attempted rape by their husbands or ex-husbands .
7 They claimed to have killed up to 200 government soldiers , especially in the provinces of Chalatenango , Morazan and Usulutan where fighting had been fiercest , and to have " neutralized " the main Ilopango air base near the capital , San Salvador .
8 It would not have been followed by the effect if some other event or condition had been missing . )
9 He began to say all the prayers to the Blessed Virgin and the saints which he had been taught at his mother 's knee , and all the while , as he prayed , he was aware that under a mile to the west lay Gribbin Head , where murder had been done eleven months before : murder he had been witness to and had profited by ; murder he had known full well was mortal sin for which , at the Judgement Seat , he would have to give account to God .
10 If only Teddy or Richard had been spared from that terrible war , she would n't be cast out like this .
11 He was not conscious of having had any contact with a clergyman since school , where religion had been regarded as an unavoidable mixed dose of discipline , cissiness and mild buffoonery .
12 Baldwin and Samuel said that they were willing to serve under the Prime Minister and render all help possible to carry on the Government as a National Emergency Government until an emergency bill or bills had been passed by Parliament , which would restore once more British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
13 They were standing by the desk in the library , where Theda had been going over the household accounts when the lawyer arrived , Hector , his wound still troublesome , laying at her feet .
14 We were then too high for much detail , but it looked a general melee back where Mala had been .
15 Held , allowing the appeal ( Lord Lowry dissenting ) , that an act expressly or impliedly authorised by the owner of goods or consented to by him could amount to an appropriation of the goods within section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 where such authority or consent had been obtained by deception ; and that , accordingly , the defendant had been rightly convicted of theft ( post , pp. 1073F , 1076G–H , 1080C–F , 1081C–D , 1109F , 1111E ) .
16 She asked whether Joseph or Merlyn had been back earlier .
17 Up until this time no ID card or warrant had been produced .
18 The electronic versions of these documents might be crucial if the historians wanted to understand how the documents were developed especially in those environments where cooperative work software or groupware had been used to enhance the performance of those producing documents .
19 ‘ And did you find out where Gwen had been , Arthur ? ’ asked Dalziel softly .
20 None of the patients ' spouses or carer had been shown or told how to give the drops .
21 Had the Israelites been polytheists , like all the other peoples of the ancient world , a natural conclusion to have drawn from the defeat would have been that their god or gods had been overcome by the gods of the Philistines .
22 But how much work was done , how much , if any , ore was obtained and how long the Quakers or Patrickson had been at work we may never discover .
23 ‘ It was the early hours and I feared the worst , that a family member or friend had been hurt .
24 He knew everyone who mattered , and it was luck as much as anything else — what if reggae or jazz-funk had been the dominant force then ? — but Parsons was still capable of grabbing the opportunity when it knocked .
25 As I said , I was somewhat annoyed in view of the definitive nature of the arrangement I had made the previous day , and the fact that no explanation or apology had been forthcoming .
26 In religious matters the restoration of monarchy was followed by the decisive establishment of the power of the Church of England , and in constitutional questions Charles showed that he was much more resigned to the need to work with Parliament than either Charles I or Cromwell had been , but in colonial affairs there was no change of direction , though the new government may have been able to follow its policy with more continuity than its predecessor .
27 The areas in which slavery or serfdom had been of marginal importance or genuinely ‘ uneconomic ’ — e.g. northern and southern Russia or the border states and the south-west in the United States — adjusted readily to its liquidation .
28 Or trees had been felled by age or storms and their rotting trunks left to become covered with creepers and fungi .
29 They stated that none of the background reports or assessments had been carried out , and stressed that these are fundamentally necessary in order to determine what is in the children 's best interests .
30 In the 1930s Auden & Co. had been another ; with Auden himself , as early as his undergraduate days at Oxford in the late 1920s , confidently apportioning literary roles to Isherwood , Spender and himself .
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