Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] do [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Where products do make provision for active retention management ( many do not ) it is likely to be at document level alone .
2 Not every Merovingian queen was as forceful as Fredegund , and the sons of various queens or concubines did inherit at the same time .
3 Where employers did see value in work experience schemes , it had to do with information about career choices .
4 Indeed , one knows by reflection that one 's own soul or mind does exist .
5 Where absenteeism does become a focus of management attention , there are very tangible improvements .
6 Where action did occur , in the USA and Italy , in each case a central government initiative drove the process of local reform .
7 Where data do exist on support between kin across households , this tends in effect to be limited to documenting the networks through which support flowed and the kind of support which was given , and can give very little direct evidence about the underlying structure of social relations which supported these exchanges .
8 Even where Darwin does mention natural selection , he also mentions inheritance of acquired characteristics .
9 Thus , where disagreement does arise it is usually of degree rather than of substance , and is more likely to concern the detailed application of policy as opposed to general principles .
10 Where admonishment does occur , it is usually internal .
11 For example , where work done does not result in a transaction , it is open to the client partner to discount the fee .
12 Where redemption did go into effect immediately , the peasantry soon found their allotments inadequate , and their land hunger was exacerbated by a massive population increase which averaged about 1.5 per cent per year in the second half of the nineteenth century .
13 The government should bear in mind that Virgin did not have permission to fly 95 per cent of the routes around the world ; it was unfair for British Airways to fly a ‘ loss leader ’ on the one route where Virgin did have permission .
14 Husband or wife do get excluded for instance because the marriage has not been a particularly happy one erm and there would therefore be no particular one why the deceased would leave anything to spouses erm but it 's worth saying so if that 's the case , to prevent an action coming along and saying Oi why am I not being there , why have I been left out ?
15 While you ca n't actually sleep in Queen Victoria 's bed at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton & Hove does have plenty of fourposter beds you can sleep in .
16 Where problems do crop up in the records they are often of the type that are familiar to all families with teenagers .
17 Where problems do arise over cutting out narrow strips — which we have met before — it is sometimes best to cut in the background piecemeal , gluing in each subsection of background separately as you go along .
18 Where problems do exist , then attempts should be made to seek adjustments to transport arrangements .
19 Even where migrants do join in , they tend to alter completely the nature of the events .
20 Where dirt does drop out of suspension the term re-deposition is used .
21 The Court of Appeal in Gregory ( 1982 ) 77 Cr App R 41 considered this case to be one of " instantaneous appropriation " , yet Pitham & Hehl does look like a case where the course of stealing was not complete at the time when the defendants got their hands on the furniture .
22 Bitter correspondence in July and August failed to resolve the dispute although Smith & Jones did make a without prejudice offer of £500 ( in respect of the two deliveries which were made on time without damaged goods ) to settle the matter .
23 Where men did row in boats , ere undertakers bought it :
24 It 's the sort of will young women without husbands or children do make .
25 Where children do come into care , close contact is maintained with the parents and they have to pay towards the cost of their children 's upkeep according to their means .
26 Hence women 's domestic role continued to be stressed both ideologically and in state policies , so that where women did engage in waged labour , they did so primarily in low-paid , unskilled jobs .
27 We saw that there is some evidence that , where women do have command over financial resources in a way normally associated with men , they share in financial support in families in a way rather similar to men .
28 The answer to this dreadful conundrum , for both Donnison and Fairbairns , is to elevate the central issue of women 's dependants and to increase benefits for them such that , where women do have dependants — be they very young or very old — women also have a considerable income .
29 Where Maxse did find himself more or less isolated was in allowing his frustrations to lead him , along with Willoughby de Broke , to consider the formation of an alternative party of the right .
30 Where psychology does produce theories , they are highly specific to particular debates .
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