Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] when [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Only a widower who was retired or chronically sick or disabled when his wife died can use his former wife 's contribution record .
2 ‘ They would realise that foreign players think we 're crazy to be playing more matches rather than fewer when our game is faster and more competitive than the rest .
3 And for the thousands of chatline users who will be left high and dry when their service shuts down in April , Dr Derek Milne predicts a further search for support .
4 Some words , indeed , have stories attached to them , like psych- ; others , hard to spell , like sword , gnat , knight or parliament , the days of the week and the months of the year , become accessible and memorable when their stories are known .
5 He laughed suddenly and all the tight irritation in his face melted away , so that , as usual , Robyn felt confused and foolish because being angry with him was so difficult and pointless when his mouth curved into that wonderful smile and his eyes sparkled so .
6 One evening , quite late , when an old girl friend was staying , I was sitting cross-legged in my Oriental cradle feeling wise and Confucian when my friend could stand it no longer .
7 Still , he was proud that his son should be a professor of divinity at two universities , and proud when his son became a bishop .
8 There will be a vociferous , partisan crowd in Dublin but the Republic of Ireland supporters get uneasy and impatient when their team is not on top — and Bingham is a master at tactics aimed at producing that effect .
9 Unlike most grown-ups , he was usually ready to stop whatever he was doing to sit down and talk , and Oliver , who had looked forward to a good gossip , was both puzzled and disappointed when his friend stood up , spat on his hands and went back to his digging .
10 She is furious that he has married beneath him , but appalled when her vicious attack on him threatens to end their relationship for ever .
11 To represent an intervention as effective when its efficacy is uncertain is itself unethical .
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