Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] could [be] " in BNC.

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1 He could hardly believe a young boy of no more than ten or eleven could be playing such a deadly game .
2 Nothing crude or hasty could be done .
3 This may be the case for some manual workers , though by no means all , but there are large numbers of people on low incomes who for one reason or another could be hurt by Labour 's plans .
4 Sometimes , above the noise , one voice or another could be heard : Deliver , O Lord , the souls of thy servants …
5 Separation of the sexes was also considered desirable where this could be achieved .
6 Certain information within these main categories was considered to be primarily concerned with monitoring and control activities , and , where this could be specifically identified at this stage , it was coded accordingly ( ie COI ) .
7 The scale of fee should be commensurate with the risk undertaken , except where this could be detrimental to the establishment of a long term recurring client relationship , in so far as such opportunity presents itself when acting for a vendor client .
8 Henry Erskine 's correspondents could have added to their list several other varieties of revenue officer , judicial appointments , university chairs , first appointments in the army or the navy , and where these could be obtained without purchase , advancement in rank in these services , Indian and colonial patronage , and much more .
9 It may be useful for family health services authorities within the zone to take on responsibility for arranging early retirement packages , where these could be shown to be in the interests of the service .
10 In spelling out its arguments for the proposed pattern , the Council was once again reinterpreting the balance that had been at the centre of its concerns from the beginning : there was nothing in the Charter and Statutes ‘ which prevented greater recognition from being given to an institution 's own internal procedures where these could be shown to be rigorous and effective .
11 Sending your child to primary school at three or four could be a handicap to her education , not a help , as Karen Gold reports
12 If two 30W tubes proved to be too bright over a 3′ tank , one or both could be swapped for a 25W .
13 However , the Nabisco first prize is £280,000 , whereas the Volvo top purse is only £66,000 , although that could be doubled if he is also the order of merit winner .
14 Meanwhile , Santa Cruz Operation Inc , which bit the ideological bullet , though not all the SVR4 technology , last summer ( UX No 398 ) , is thought to be eyeing USL 's combined Unix SVR4.2 ES/MP release for future use , although that could be as far as two years out .
15 She stressed , however , that that could be achieved only through interest rates .
16 I 'm hitting my head repeatedly against something that is n't there and I suppose that that could be a definition of insanity .
17 that that could be something which is quite difficult to , to break .
18 Okay now anything on the minuses apart from this suggestion that that could be both .
19 That that could be a minus depending
20 both of our eyes here possibility that that could be er switched down ?
21 It was suggested sotto voce that that could be a matter for our grandchildren .
22 Does he not think that that could be improved on in any future , but hopefully never to be repeated accident ?
23 I think peop it 's clear that that could be a very useful part of er of there being care in people 's homes .
24 ‘ Do you really think so little of yourself that that could be all I wanted ? ’ she stabbed back and was pleased to see dull colour rise in his cheeks .
25 The officers told us er some time ago that that could be done quite easily .
26 While 4 glasses of wine is considered safe , more than that could be taking you into the danger area of getting cirrhosis of the liver .
27 When Fussell tells us that the war was ‘ so devoid of ideological content that little could be said about its positive purposes that made political or intellectual sense ’ , he shows that he has become the prisoner of his own limited sources , and also of an imagination limited by distaste for his subject .
28 Some would argue that society as a whole was incapable of rising to it morally and that little could be done to enforce it .
29 Until suitable workshop facilities could be made , it was clear that little could be done on the Oxford 's airframe .
30 Such generalized and unsystematic anti-semitic obsessions as were displayed by individuals in these groups would suggest that little could be learned from an attempt to study the belief systems of such movements .
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