Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] that [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 maybe five or six that were quite serious one .
2 There were one or two that were that I think were a little bit careless and did n't quite get the construction correct for them .
3 Somehow he always managed to play off one creditor against another , claiming he was just awaiting payment for some big deal or other that was in the pipeline .
4 And Selvey 's summing-up was worthy of a high court judge : very frivolous , and most them marginal , but only five of the 34 wickets were leg-before and even those were of an apparently arbitrary nature : those given seemed to have no more merit than many that were not . ’
5 Positive transfer was , however , observed by Mackintosh and Holgate and by Siegel , the comparison being made in each case with control subjects that received initial training on a discrimination between stimuli other than those that were relevant in the transfer task but with the latter stimuli being present but irrelevant .
6 I mean the foyer when you come in to the building when the place was refurbished that was that we got the consultant 's to look at the into the foyer and what you see as you come into the building is the recommendations of those consultants were talking about having a red foyer making it inviting and friendly that was their recommendation which was adopted .
7 In the spring of 1970 , eight finished films were banned and 12 that were being shot were stopped .
8 He lost himself in its possibilities , its immensity , he went far out , and came back dazed , stunned by horizons , often with sketches he had done in a hurry and afterwards flew at with the axe of a black crayon , or a pen loaded with black ink , hacking at them fiercely , savagely , to kill off the sentimental and picturesque that was so much in vogue .
9 And white that was womb and was invisible
10 ‘ Smaointe ’ or ‘ thoughts ’ was inspired by the story of the beach at Margallen , where a great wave once swept away a small church and all that were in it .
11 And the ones we saw in Marks and all that were nothing were they ?
12 Copies reached almost every Royalist household and many that were not .
13 as if all that were not trouble enough , the landlord lets a goat loose in the flat .
14 In the Operations Room , some of the female part-time watchkeepers were just coming on duty and were being briefed on the operations that were planned for the day and those that were already taking place .
15 Clients — individuals and groups within the client system , those that were part of the action system and those that were not .
16 In one study a comparison was made between pairs of Aphelocoma coerulescens unassisted by helpers and those that were .
17 ‘ What Philip Larkin said about short stories was very useful , and those that were poems .
18 Every known criminal in New York was there , and those that were ‘ otherwise detained ’ had sent flowers to the man who 'd sent them up .
19 and those that were last seen ;
20 In the 1950s few foods were sold pre-packed and those that were carried very little information about the contents .
21 It is true that there has been a small electoral earthquake in Europe , but not many people have been hurt , and those that were thoroughly deserved it .
22 Very few pagan cemeteries were in use throughout the period , and those that were tend to be the large examples in eastern England which may have been centralised depositories , not belonging to individual settlements .
23 Those that could moved away , and those that were confident that the local authority would offer them something better refused to accept them .
24 Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed .
25 Steel shutters barricaded most of the shops and those that were open displayed only a few boxes of tired vegetables and strings of plastic toys .
26 Most of the windows were broken , and those that were n't were boarded over .
27 Of course , the tasks had a serious side and those that were not well planned and not executed as a team were generally unsuccessful !
28 The most important feature of the proposed system was that of dividing applications into two classes : those that were minor and uncontroversial ( Class A ) and those that were major or controversial or both ( Class B ) .
29 Over the next few weeks , players here and those that were unavailable for the tour will be asked about their availability , but already most of the touring squad have expressed their determination to go to Kenya , even if it means giving up their jobs to do so .
30 Er , if those that were earning over a certain amount , who certainly do n't need this child benefit to same the degree anyway , that 's those of at the lower end of the pay scale we could they could certainly save a lot of money , and they would n't have to do the squeeze down on the ones that would have the most .
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