Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or that was the way it seemed .
2 People automatically seemed to defer to his judgement — or that was the impression she gained .
3 Was that in the sale , or that was the normal price ?
4 In Cigaro ( Glasgow ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1983 S.L.T. 549 it was held not to be a breach of natural justice to hear only submissions and not to allow evidence to be led , where this was the practice of the licensing board .
5 By the early sixteenth century it is clear that oligarchies were often well established : other towns where this was the case included such major centres as Bristol , Exeter and Lynn ( 82 , pp.101–2 ) .
6 Only one so far — or this was the first he had heard of , but the affair could snowball and sometimes this kind of thing took an unforeseen twist .
7 The morning star or morgenstern was a German weapon , used by both cavalry and infantry .
8 Thus it was submitted that the question whether the death was in this case natural or unnatural was a matter exclusively for the coroner whose decision can be reviewed only on the basis that no coroner could reasonably have reached the conclusion arrived at here .
9 It is no accident that 1971 was the year of the first US trade deficit , the year that the US devalued the dollar and abandoned the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates , and also the year that Nixon and Kissinger went to Moscow and initiated detente .
10 The people in his past had been real once but , although that was a very long time ago , he had never been able to forget them or what they had done to his life .
11 Acquiring the rights to The Great Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Swindle had led to the formation of what was grandly called the Film Division although that was the only film yet within its compass .
12 Unless pressure is put on the Government , they will simply substitute that money for money that they were going to spend in the regions anyway , and the regions will not receive any direct benefit , although that was the whole purpose of the RECHAR regulations .
13 Although that was the medical profession 's analysis of my condition .
14 The father says : ‘ It was just sheer luck that that was a toad , not a nuclear train . ’
15 On one occasion during field-work a father who needed to be present while his young son was being questioned at the station instructed his child to ‘ Tell these f'ing black bastards nothin' ’ , and when told that that was a lovely way to bring up his son replied , ‘ Aye , and I 'll keep bringing him up that way ’ ( FN 11/7/87 , p. 9 ) .
16 Erm can I have the proposal that that was a correct record of our deliberations please ?
17 Er , failure to produce his driving licence failure to produce a test certificate for the vehicle and failure to produce his insurance documents and what Mr says in respect of er , those three offenses is that er , the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before er , he had never er no , known that that was a procedure that had to be followed and in the circumstances he did n't pay any attention to the print on the H R T er , one form that was issued to him and he did n't produce the documents .
18 And what Mr says in respect of er those three offences is that erm the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before , er he had never er known that that was a procedure that had to be followed .
19 But he was very understanding and , the doctor just seemed to think that that was a natural course I had to go through !
20 Well I really you know , felt that that was a good experience , to see people who were normally classed as powerless , having erm that kind of strength within themselves and and the the power to push on and to face lots of difficulties .
21 But the er last group of tenants found that that was a big priority and really pushed and worked till they you know to get it .
22 Erm but I you know I do n't know that that was a got off the ground very well .
23 That that was a holiday that
24 Betty said sincerely that that was a shame , in order to prevent Lydia from saying it insincerely , as she was clearly about to do .
25 So you 're not going to get that like I mean that that was a one in a million shot , finding
26 ‘ I know very little , ’ Lucien said , and was about to add , ‘ it was not part of the Vibrancy studies ’ , but remembered in time that that was a remark suitable only for Walterkin 's ears .
27 And I would have thought that that was a disgraceful thing to do in a public , in the council to a , a sample being brought up and they were afraid to look at it .
28 We think that that was a good investment .
29 I would not normally have said that that was a reflection on the respective debating abilities of the hon. Members for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) and for Blackburn .
30 Hon. Members know that that was a cumbersome and difficult procedure .
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