Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] day and " in BNC.

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1 Or another day and place of rain .
2 I suggest the patient takes it on waking for the first two or three days and then experiments either with increasing the amount or by introducing an extra dose in the afternoon or evening .
3 We arranged it two days or three days and each was cancelled
4 He brought the dog in every two or three days and paid on the nail .
5 That ti I was at er canteen at erm and I took my plate , I was there thre two or three days and she says you 're the only one that 's ever brought the plate back .
6 She came out with us for two or three days and sort of sat you know up a bit and saw us , but then the next week she was really no good at all
7 He collapsed at Debbie 's on Wednesday night , well he fell , bumped his head sort of fall down so the doctor come yesterday , tt , and he had to stop in bed two or three days and go at the doctor 's for ten minute appointment and he bloody test and to see why he 's lost so much weight cos his legs are like that .
8 Four or five days and it should all be starting
9 I really expect to get back in three or four days and I will try and hang on to the holiday .
10 ‘ No , you 'd do that for about three or four days and then he 'd decide to ask you the same question again just to see if you did look it up . ’
11 He left Downing Street after three or four days and Chequers after a fortnight .
12 When the couple had gone upstairs to bed , Mr Stephens packed his bag for the next day 's outing , bolted the doors firmly — for many of the men stayed in Cockermouth drinking for three or four days and would roam the streets at night looking for somewhere to sleep — and then , as if to atone for those first designs he had on Emily , he picked out Silas Marner from his bookshelf and wrapped it up as a present for her .
13 If it dries up for three or four days it 's st dries up for three or four days and Dennis has to stop the minute he picks it up it 's just blown away .
14 In Chronic Diseases we are told that when giving remedies in solid form i.e. solid form i.e. granules or powders dry on the tongue , Hahnemann found that remedies prepared with more than two shakes were too strong so stayed with two strokes for consistency ; but during the last years since I have been giving every dose of medicine in a solution , divided over fifteen , twenty or thirty days and even more , no potentizing in an attenuating vial is found too strong , and again I use ten strokes . ’
15 Four knitting days ( or two days and nights for the favoured few ) are needed to knit a sweater .
16 These normally take one or two days and you will usually get notice of the inspections in order to alert your team .
17 Lord Rawdon told the Committee of the whole House of Lords , which read his bill clause by clause in May , that he thought a debtor should be able to swear to the real cause of his debt and , if there was no question of fraud or any intention to abscond , he should not be held in custody for more than eight days and be discharged on filing common bail .
18 you know , people have got to realize that this day and age er children are taught not to talk to strangers
19 Before making such an order , the Inland Revenue must be given notice of the application of not less than twenty-eight days and if the Inland Revenue object , it must submit a written statement of the grounds and ensure that an officer of it attends court on the hearing of the application ( r 6.194 ) .
20 His department said that it only kept records of strikes lasting more than three days and involving more than 100 people .
21 Field , day and residential services changed to an integrated line management structure , so that all day and residential services were managed through the Neighbourhood Office in which they were situated .
22 No planning permission was required since selling will be conducted for less than 28 days and notices erected were less than 1 metre high .
23 These are calculated for our sample of 1608 men who were unemployed longer than 28 days and did not give retirement as their reason for their pre-cohort entry job .
24 No planning permission was required since selling will be conducted for less than 28 days and notices erected were less than 1 metre high .
25 Nigger could only have arrived home that same day and already he seemed to be queering Yanto 's pitch .
26 One option for holders , of course , was to leave the dollars on deposit with a US bank but this was discouraged by US banking regulations which prevented interest from being paid on deposits of less than thirty days and limited the rate payable on longer deposits to less than that obtaining elsewhere .
27 Some amendments to the standard provision are advisable , however , and may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The period of grace before the forfeiture provision bites in respect of outstanding rents should be no less than 14 days and ideally 28 , though the usual compromise is 21 days .
28 No action was taken against Donald E. Lukens ( Rep. , Ohio ) who had been sentenced to prison for between 30 and 180 days and fined $1,000 in June for having sexual relations with a teenage girl below the age of consent [ ibid . ] .
29 They are all grown from good , healthy seed and guarded day and night . "
30 Well I hope you 've been able to pick up a bit of something but I 'm not very good at it myself cos old days and old times .
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