Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] that that " in BNC.

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1 Erm it 's been er it 's been suggested as well that in some extent it reflects the religious revival in Europe that that that that was taking place .
2 That that that that kind of
3 The far world not the The unspiritual world that that we can You see the pride in the eye , that with that that that that can be can be another women or it can it can be cosmetics , it can be a dress to women or it could be another man .
4 When you , when you expect that that that that takes the copy back in the old file .
5 Well I was shocked when I heard that that that that yours whi yours you yours would attempt to you got my permission , yes but , I 'd be highly surprised if if you got them .
6 Yes I I I would accept that as a general point yes that that that that that that the greater number of years , the more likely you are to get a long term trend .
7 Yes I I I would accept that as a general point yes that that that that that that the greater number of years , the more likely you are to get a long term trend .
8 Now , of course , we we know that that you know , that that that that er , that even then , part of that settlement has has gone because they 've cut off on the of the Western by-pass , I mean , you 've still got er , er
9 Councillor said that that that that hundred and thirty million could be funded over a period of ten years , at thirteen million pound a year .
10 We shall have to live with it , because er I I do n't think that any hope of any redress next year , but the got to be established of a different system , of me a different methodology for the foreseeable years , if we 're going to get those schemes through that you supported wholeheartedly and congratulated us and for bringing forward the new road schemes for er the that that that that you so approved so warmly yesterday .
11 I mean , we 've got this , it 's been on , Mrs , I know , she has the same as I do , but but er the the these people who need such help , I mean , I 'm not being it it it just it just they 've just not included in the programme really , and er , we 've written I think from this committee over the years er made submissions over the years , and message still does n't seem to have got through , that that that that er this , and I think very valuable work , that can contribute to the quality of life for all of us , if we can improve the lot for these people .
12 We feel that the development that we admit is necessary , can comfortably be spread around the constituent authorities and we 've heard nothing I I would submit that that that that that goes against that .
13 Erm , that that that that is a point where the discovery in itself , must have given a great deal of pleasure to a a er a number of people who 've been involved in the , in the research .
14 I think , yes , yes , yes , I think , I 'm , I think that that that that is one , it 's it 's last one , that probably has erm , defeated us .
15 Now on the face of that that that that 's seems fairly sensible , y'know if somebody is in need we ought to be doing something about it .
16 I I I do differ with that in some respects , in that er until we 've arranged the agenda we 're not always sure whether there will be specifically highway matters , er and er I must confess , although not on the agenda very often , highway matters are things that that that that do get commented on , er but er none the less , it 's just the principle , I mean er it 's a bit difficult to start saying , well do we send it because we have particular things , er or or
17 Erm , er I 'll I 'll close it at two , but perhaps I could ask the the applicants erm , I mean I appreciate that obviously erm it er it economy in in in obviously in what you 're doing , but I think it it it would be fairly obviously to , I mean it 's been stated that that that that residents nearby would prefer either two bungalows or a house and a bungalow , and I think er that certainly erm new developments adjacent to where you are proposing these are in fact all bungalows , er with the exception of the mill , which of course has been there a long time , er all those on that side of the road , both those two built and those two proposed are a bungalow or a semi bungalow , er and so erm you can see that obviously it is that the height of these buildings , it is erm causing the offence , largely , erm I I think , I mean obviously you will want to main you know , optimize your er development , but whether er a scheme with two bungalows that they would n't be four bedroomed bungalows , because there would n't be room for two of the four two four bedroomed bungalows , erm
18 So that that that that
19 I feel that if a patient has a flow greater than fifteen that that flow is adequate , normal , probably .
20 And I even noticed that she she was coming out with the thees and thous that that erm
21 In the exile it was decreed that circumcision was to be the official rite of initiation into Judaism and all that that now meant .
22 But the Thatcherite counter-revolution is much more all-encompassing : it is an assault on social democracy and all that that term entails , just as much if not more so than on simply ‘ taking out ’ pockets of resistance in specific local areas .
23 ‘ They go fast enough as it is , ’ said one local certainly not averse to the many material improvements in his lifestyle compared to that of his parents without electricity and all that that facilitates .
24 I believe that the creation of the universe and all that that involves , is still a mystery and forms no part of the conception of a god and a corresponding religion that can fulfil the human need .
25 It is of no consequence once it is accepted that the God to serve humanity originated at the moment that life first became manifest , and combined with the material of the universe to start the long process of producing living creatures with the capacity to enjoy life and all that that involves .
26 Instead it was understood that there would be a long period of commodity circulation and all that that implied .
27 They 're very often , er a worker they 're a wife , and they 're a mother and all that that contains er , the basics , the shopping , the cleaning , the cooking the decorating , they cut the lawn , they wash the cars , they pay the household accounts .
28 The smell of her was still in his nostrils , the scent of sex and all that that brings .
29 I often say that if we thought as much about the English language and teaching it and all that that means as the French do about their language and the Alliance Francaise , we would back the British Council to the hilt .
30 I think trying to keep something very simple erm you know a simple rule for everyone to follow and all that that following this protocol requires is that er that the urologist is at least partially sighted .
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