Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [to-vb] in " in BNC.

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1 The commonest problem with central heating pumps is jamming , either after a period when the pump has not been used , or due to sludge in the system clogging the impeller .
2 Patients are often embarrassed or hesitant to describe in detail why they have difficulty evacuating their bowels or what the sensation is like before an incontinent episode .
3 The physical interference need not be sufficiently forceful or well-aimed to result in some form of damage or destruction to a proper part of the victim , though we suppose that a violent action would generally be painful to the recipient .
4 By allowing experiments to be performed on a computer which would be impractical or dangerous to perform in the physical world , it also allows the design engineer to probe new areas .
5 ( 3 ) Small-scale features , which are difficult or impossible to see in transmitted light microscopy , may be well-displayed with CL .
6 So much was still on ration or impossible to obtain in Britain .
7 ‘ The office of a sample is to present to the eye the real meaning and intention of the parties with regard to the subject-matter of the contract which , owing to the imperfection of language , it may be difficult or impossible to express in words .
8 Russians are filling in some of the gaps in their lives by seeking out anything that was forbidden or hard to get in Soviet times .
9 We no longer allow the weak or foolish or unfortunate to perish in the gutters of a city slum .
10 The crown too stood to gain financially from fines paid by those tenants-in-chief who were unable or unwilling to serve in person .
11 The CDP 's fear is that the local authorities will be so hard pressed , because of government policy , that they will be unable or unwilling to help in the future .
12 The provision of such a variety of telecommunication and travel facilities makes it impossible for any community however large or small to develop in isolation .
13 This is what the evidence suggests since , while the tempo of mergers and acquisitions ( both domestic and cross-border ) has been rising rapidly , it is also apparent that some industries have been engaged in divesting themselves of activities which are peripheral or difficult to manage in order to concentrate on areas of strength .
14 As the outside and upper are also designed with weight rather than durability in mind , unless you are exceptionally light on your feet you would have to be either foolish or wealthy to train in a pair of racers .
15 Well , he 'd have a flea or two to put in her ear next time they met .
16 Even Captain Goldsborough , looking rather dangerous and disreputable the ladies were all saying — fascinating in fact — in a long , dark driving-cape with a black fur lining , had a word or two to whisper in Linnet's — ear , although he did rather more whispering , Gemma noticed , to the Amazonian Mrs Covington-Pym of whom her mother was so terribly afraid .
17 A vice is a bad habit or some kind of strange temperament in a horse or pony not normally expected which renders it — dangerous , or less useful or liable to decline in health .
18 Certain sections had been underlined in angry , wavy red lines , including one which read : ' … anything done for the purpose of , or liable to result in , the birth or hatching of a protected animal …
19 It would , for example , take more than that to see in detail its museums and art galleries , for Winterthur is world famous as an arts centre , a town which has been lucky in its collectors and benefactors .
20 Primarily , I greatly respected the culture and customs of the people and , as a western woman , although free to dress in my own cultural fashion , I dressed respectfully for an Islamic country and covered my hair , arms and legs and wore loose fitting clothes , so I felt comfortable drawing and was protected from the heat of the sun .
21 In other circumstances she would have been more than willing to engage in this conversation herself , for it was one she had frequently enjoyed ; she liked Otto , she had always mildly fancied that he liked her , she was amused by the offhand continental gallantries with which he interspersed , absent-mindedly , the rigour of his argument ; but tonight she was tired , her eyes were closing , she had had four hours of party already , had not enjoyed the Hargreaves drama , had not enjoyed her talks with Ivan Warner and Teddy Lazenby , had been polite enough for long enough , and wanted to go home ; so stood at Brian 's elbow , dully , a reproachful wife , slightly annoyed that neither of them took much notice of her , as Otto invoked the name of Max Weber , a name which meant nothing to her at all , a name which excluded her , exhausted her , and provoked her into prodding , yet again , but this time successfully , Brian 's arm , and murmuring of baby-sitter Sharon , who was only sixteen .
22 Still buzzing from the morning , I was more than delighted to sunbathe in the sand and pine-needles .
23 In any case , there was more than enough to do in repairing the faults of the existing system and correcting the injustices which they and their predecessors had been denouncing since the 1920s .
24 Poland did more than enough to win in every respect except finishing and must have regretted Dariusz Dziekanowski 's failure to beat Shiton with a header after half an hour .
25 A thickly built oak and beechwood sixteenth-seventeenth century refectory table from the Pyrenees , admittedly characterful ( Tajan 's auction staff used it for stacking their telephones on ) but more than difficult to place in a modern apartment , sold for FFr650,000 ( £67,550 ; $117,500 ) , over twice its high estimate .
26 As the language reads like English it is simpler than most to teach in early school years .
27 ‘ It would be extremely arrogant and impractical to put in black and white , hundreds of miles from where these events are happening , what should be done in all cases , ’ he said .
28 We could standardize on US equipment with production under licence of those items that it is practicable and economic to manufacture in Western Europe .
29 It is also vital to keep all abrasives dust-free , and if possible to work in a dust-free environment .
30 The winner is the regular work companion of Assessor , a 33–1 chance for the Ever Ready Derby and due to reappear in the Thresher Classic Trial at Sandown Park later this month , which is also the target for Robert Sangster 's River Defences ( also 33–1 for the Derby ) , an impressive winner of the Compton Maiden Stakes .
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