Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [subord] his " in BNC.

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1 Only a widower who was retired or chronically sick or disabled when his wife died can use his former wife 's contribution record .
2 Then he walked heavily on for a pace or two until his tracks merged with the cart-way , then he turned back along the ruts to the stream and did the same thing again , more lightly this time .
3 His trunks , largely buried between the rolls of his stomach and thighs , were red-purple , a colour neither heavier nor lighter than his achieved flesh colour , which jangled the eye .
4 It is likened to a heaven full of stars , yet better than such because his wounds are efficacious by day as well as by night , and not only can not be obscured by clouds but positively drive away clouds of sin ; a net full of holes in which the meditator prays to be drawn to the bank of death ; a dovecote full of holes of refuge and a honeycomb full of cells of sweet honey ; a book written in red ink — matter for the meditator 's attention at " matyns , pryme , houris , euesong & complin " ; a meadow full of healing and delightful flowers and herbs ( 96 – 7 ) .
5 Herr Nordern joined in , and even Paul was co-opted although his contribution was less than successful as his views on suitable food seemed to consist only of frankfurter sausages , Cola , and , drawn from a mysterious memory of the dinner in the Palast , champagne .
6 In truth , his feelings were more nationalistic than religious as his principle objection was to English ways being forced upon the Scottish people .
7 Leaping around the stage like a hyperactive elf , his relationship with the audience is notably more relaxed and chatty than his most caustic and hectoring period .
8 But even as the idea occurred to her , she dismissed it ; from the athletic way Fernand had cleared the rail it was likely that his legs were as strong and muscular as his sinewy arms and he would probably catch her long before she reached the house .
9 Silly-Willie met her in the hall , he came from the farthest door ; his step was as fast and light as his dancing .
10 He laughed suddenly and all the tight irritation in his face melted away , so that , as usual , Robyn felt confused and foolish because being angry with him was so difficult and pointless when his mouth curved into that wonderful smile and his eyes sparkled so .
11 Sir Emmanuel had a florid complexion which , apparently , became redder and redder as his temper grew worse , and his language was appalling .
12 He was as surly and unprepossessing as his wife and about half her size .
13 He looked pale and serious as his eyes scampered round the room until they found the telephone .
14 In the diver-picture he shows himself ready to adumbrate the idea of a spatial setting , but he is far more cautious and conventional than his Etruscan predecessor .
15 Even so , while being ahead of his time and younger than his age , the form of theatre he produced remains rooted in the past , owing infinitely more to Victorian and Edwardian styles than to the mainstream of 20th-century modernism .
16 Dennis Davis , who worked with Basil at Berkhamstead School and later as his assistant Art Adviser , January 1967
17 Eden himself became more emotional , first as he waited for Churchill to stop teasing and bow out of Number 10 Downing Street , and later as his own premiership became increasingly plagued with problems at home and abroad .
18 It is a suitable environment for the great parfumier who creates perfumes as complex and sophisticated as his own experience .
19 One might almost pity the frail old man in East Berlin , seemingly helpless and uncomprehending as his life 's work crumbles around him .
20 He became as bad tempered and irritable as his character .
21 For fine and powerful though his words were , they had seemed to come from beyond him and here , now , alone in this miserable place , with Minch gone from the Cages , he was already doubting the truth of what he had said only moments before .
22 It was a point made to me with some vehemence by Mahmoud Labadi , who was then official spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organisation in Lebanon , a bespectacled figure every bit as urbane and cynical as his Israeli counterpart .
23 He was kitted up in a white gym singlet , dark blue shorts and a thick white sweater , the new outfit just as neat and tidy as his uniform .
24 Whatever the cause , the individual who is sexually attracted to young children to an exclusive or obsessive extent is likely to be unsatisfied and unhappy unless his or her need can be met .
25 He never allowed the professor or the scientist to overpower the man , and his leisure was as full and useful as his working hours .
26 He should have felt as tired and inadequate as his age and circumstances dictated , but he did not .
27 Far more cool , calm and level-headed than his 22 years should allow , he is one of the new breed : intent on restoring a live , funkier and altogether more sincere approach to modern dance music .
28 And more than his heart was stirred .
29 Since he held by patent he could not be displaced and the work was executed by his deputy , Thomas Atkins , who turned out to be as dishonest and self-seeking as his principal .
30 Gillespie was jealous and angry because his wife Kay , 28 , had formed a relationship with another man .
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