Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The combination of the general election and the constitutional judgment caused the Unionists to put further pressure on the Executive to the effect that Sunningdale should not be implemented until there was an alteration in the constitution of the Republic and/or another election was held in Northern Ireland .
2 Clearly , a limitation is necessary but the financial incentives on the best land included in the extended LFA should be considerably lower than those available on the least amenable land where agricultural development is considerably constrained by climate , topography and soils .
3 In desert and hilly regions , where agricultural production is low , people obtain two-thirds of their energy from firewood .
4 Any kind or aspect of information that is not present in the immediately relevant verbal or situational context is to be regarded as irretrievable and hence context-independent .
5 13 1775 & that Body is vastly improv 'd the longer it is kept & the little remains of fat shine a little more thro' & it is now very much the colour of Indian Copper , i.e. it is very near the colour of finished work 'd mahogany & is really a beautiful mass , the Legs are now perfectly dry and from the Beginning to the end there is nothing of putrefaction .
6 Effective anthelmintic therapy of ewes during the fourth month of pregnancy should eliminate most of the worm burdens present at this time including arrested larval stages and in the case of ewes on extensive grazing , where nutritional status is frequently low , this treatment often results in improved general body condition .
7 The various land-uses that are practised in African savannas have been described by Okigbo ( 1985 ) and include nomadic herding , shifting cultivation on a 2–3 year basis , semi-permanent cultivation or rotational bushfallow , intensive dryland agriculture involving rotations and intercropping , and more intensive flood-land cultivation where small-scale irrigation is practised .
8 Secondly , unlike the definition in ( 8 ) , it does not make the distinction between semantics and pragmatics along the encoded/unencoded line ; this is important because , as we shall see , there is still controversy over whether such pragmatic implications as presuppositions or illocutionary force are or are not encoded or grammaticalized in linguistic forms .
9 Whatever the cause , the individual who is sexually attracted to young children to an exclusive or obsessive extent is likely to be unsatisfied and unhappy unless his or her need can be met .
10 The need for respite care or day care or domiciliary support is rarely so precisely detailed .
11 ‘ Non-intervention ’ is routinely practised in British hospitals , where life-prolonging treatment is halted at the request of patients who have had enough .
12 In the partnership agreement itself it should perhaps not be made too easy for partners to leave , though in practice , of course , an unhappy or unsatisfied partner is a liability whom the firm will usually want to see depart at the earliest convenient time .
13 The Burger King neighbourhood restaurant : ideal as a low-cost investment where lower turnover is projected .
14 Frequently wet rot or dry rot is identified .
15 But what is important in the episode is what the narrator takes for granted : that when men of standing disputed , arbitration was hard to arrange , and often immediately unacceptable to the party which felt itself the loser by the judgement , even where monetary compensation was offered to soften the blow .
16 Kurecolor Marker Inks are not much disturbed by subsequent overlaying and it does not make any real difference whether line or broad colour is put down first .
17 Controlling either the monetary base or broad liquidity is difficult given that the Bank of England is always prepared to provide liquidity to the discount houses as lender of last resort .
18 And is any question of price and means ( the two go together of course ) simply obscene because no human , social , economic or political price is too high to pay for such a benefit ?
19 Politics or political behaviour is power in action .
20 The state or political system is regarded as a neutral adjudicator in the competition for resources .
21 This is unfortunate since one of the most important facets of the use of data for scientific research , corporate management or political debate is the communication of the information contained therein to those who will say that they are ‘ no good at figures ’ !
22 Nonetheless it remains true that the most common explanation of large numbers of unrecovered hoards is warfare , though in some instances it is believed that economic factors also played a part ; in the latter cases a currency or political reform is thought to have rendered the coins worthless and hence the owners would not have bothered to recover them .
23 These influences will not always incline him to the view that revelation of particular legal or political material is necessarily in the public interest .
24 The German helm type of covering to the square or polygonal tower was especially typical of the Rhineland , of which the Church of the Apostles in Cologne is a notable example ( 328 ) .
25 Where private care is offered by private employment agencies , central control is already being exerted under the Employment Agencies Act but local authorities do need to monitor the performance of whatever scheme is being operated and ensure that gaps in provision are identified and filled .
26 ( 4 ) Subsection ( 3 ) above does not apply where a society or associated body is authorised by the scheme to relieve itself of its obligation to take the steps it is directed to take or pay the compensation awarded by the society 's undertaking an obligation to give the requisite publicity for the reasons for not doing so and the society undertakes that obligation .
27 If you are king of a country in which six out of every ten people are Palestinians , and where Islamic fundamentalism is growing , you do not last long by siding with America against the man who is firing missiles into Tel Aviv .
28 ( In any case , hardly any serious murder in Shakespeare is plotted or executed in prose , and no serious or admirable character is denied the resonance of verse at his death . )
29 This is not because it can be proved one way or the other that either or neither version is the type of play that Marlowe would have written .
30 Outpatients , with three or more bowel actions daily , passing liquid or semiformed stool were considered for trial entry .
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