Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the chinless chap in his chalk-stripe blue suit , strolling to wherever he performs the daily ritual of being ‘ something in the City ’ , or the geezer negotiating the early morning traffic in from Romford in his late model Ford and Italian sweatshirt , their individual style says clearly : I am here and this is where I want to be , you can tell exactly what and where that is from looking at me .
2 For example , needs to account for why if the sentence P and Q is true , then so is the sentence Q and in order to do that it assigns a certain structure , for example as on the handout in my assigned structure and brackets P Q. Erm anyway erm it just has and has a separate particle operating on two distinct sentences that are not ordered syntax needs to account for the well-formedness of the structure , sorry P and Q. The ill-formedness of P Q and the similar grouping of and with or that is in English between sentences and where you can find one and find another but not with , not you do n't say John loves Mary not Peter loves Jill .
3 The Inland Revenue will place a value on the future worth of an earnout agreement and , where this is to be satisfied in cash , capital gains tax may again become payable before the earnout payment is received .
4 This provides an added potential benefit to traffic travelling along the main routes by reducing the number of locations where this is in conflict with turning traffic , but provides little control over speeds once traffic has penetrated the residential area .
5 This is worth remembering if your employer tries to justify giving you a raw deal by interpreting a stringent contract of employment harshly , eg by insisting you move your place of work at short notice and without financial help from Leeds to Birmingham , as in one case — even where this is within the terms of an express contractual mobility clause .
6 He helped Henry Ford set up the huge factory at Willow Run where B-24s were to be mass-produced .
7 Conversely , while good policing can help diminish tension and avoid disorder , it can not remove the causes of social stress where these are to be found , as those in Brixton and elsewhere are , deeply embedded in fundamental economic and social conditions .
8 The Cubans , however , with the help of state resources , have used television and film to encourage the development of the values of the revolution , especially where these are at variance with traditional and deeply held views .
9 The first or these was through control over matters of taste .
10 Nos. 11E , l8E and 20E were available for Cohen 's men to inspect first at Thornton Heath depôt and the others in store at Brixton Hill depôt where all were to be broken up .
11 the research subject areas where all were in employment were physics , Computing/physics , computing with non-IT subjects , and in optical fibres ;
12 There are , at present , approximately 13,000 students on advanced further education courses in the Principality of whom probably half or less are in the colleges and institutions .
13 At this season by far the largest numbers are found in Chichester and Pagham Harbours , in both of which flocks of 100 or more are of regular occurrence in July and August ; the highest count recorded between 1964 and 1976 was a total of 295 on 20 August 1967 .
14 So it out to be easy enough to work out where ten is since bar eleven starts the fourth line .
15 It should reflect Section I 's criteria for selecting significant issues , and acknowledge areas where more is to be done and where new measures may have to be found in the medium or long term .
16 ‘ Besides , ’ she added , ‘ I presume you need to know precisely where Carnelian is within that great mass ? ’
17 The ability of ductile metals to be permanently distorted and therefore shaped either cold or hot is of course an outstanding advantage of metals .
18 If this fails , then clearly the eggs or young are at a serious risk .
19 IV or Four was on the door to the right and round the corner on the left was the Handwork Room , the Headmaster 's Study being on the extreme right next to the bathroom and opposite the Staff Common Room .
20 All through tickets would be returned to the Railway Clearing House , although one or two are in collectors ' hands .
21 Only a lonely rajah or two was to be seen now , solitary figures surrounded by servants , watching through elaborate brass telescopes acquired at one or other of the European stores in Calcutta .
22 We recently reported that the characteristic coeliac like intestinal antibody pattern of intestinal fluid antibodies also occurs in dermatitis herpetiformis patients without enteropathy , a group of patients in whom it is likely that all or most are in fact latent coeliacs .
23 Rumour had it that my father and mother met in a Methodist Chapel where both were in the choir .
24 It dramatically dwindled so that fewer than 500 were on hand to see the final drama unfold on the fifth morning .
25 That that 's about the right amount .
26 You know that that 's about all the room there was was honestly was a table and chairs and more often than not a couple of us had to sit on the stairs .
27 What about twinning , do you think that that 's of such a high priority that when council houses need repairs that those repairs should be put down on the ladder and said ‘ I 'm sorry , we ca n't deal with that because part of the money that we could allocate to council house repairs is being used for twinning and things like that ’ ?
28 Chairman , if I may add this add this to the outline application , indicating that that 's to the rear of the site , the Mayor
29 That that 's for you and
30 That that 's for going in the swimming pool with her
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