Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [be] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 The similarities with a number of recent ethnic/nationalist phenomena are evident , especially where these are themselves linked with , or seek to re-establish links with , a group-specific religious faith — as among ( Christian ) Armenians opposing ( Muslim ) Azeri Turks , or in the recent and markedly Old Testament phase of Likud Zionism in Israel .
2 But the original premise that all statements are either empirical or analytical is itself in neither of these categories .
3 Plummer argued that D was partly derived from a predecessor of the St Augustine 's chronicle , and that this was itself descended from an Abingdon manuscript which also lies behind C. He thus explained the presence in E of various entries on abbots of Abingdon which are also in C. Possibly an Abingdon version of the Chronicle was taken to Canterbury in 1044 when its abbot , Siward , replaced Archbishop Eadsige , who had resigned because of ill-health , or was subsequently sent there at Siward 's request .
4 Mr Mellor is no soft touch , as those within the industry who had to negotiate with him quickly discovered , but he is accessible to reason , and that is itself a great advance on what had been experienced before .
5 In the end , though , there 's only one person you can blame and that 's yourself .
6 There is one group that politicians seem reluctant to blame and that 's themselves .
7 Even were the principle to be open to compromise , the inference that it is proper merely , so to say , to extend opening hours until 70 is itself based on a misconception about older age — and one is unhappy to note its manifestation among a clutch of answers from old-age-oriented agencies .
8 There were also many more limited ventures such as Pearson 's Fresh Air Fund , established in 1896 by Arthur Pearson , the founder of The Daily Express , to provide country holidays for city children , and this was itself among the inspirations for the fresh air philosophies of Baden-Powell 's Boy Scouts launched in 1908 .
9 Even along this road , however , many of the old ‘ guilds ’ had become , in effect , the organizations of employing ‘ masters ’ — the craft status shifted to the economic status — and these were themselves in complex relations with the development of capitalist trade , which was breaking down the kind of autonomy from which the guilds , new and old , had derived their monopoly .
10 Note that red , green and blue are themselves mixtures of the subtractive primary colours ( Figure 4.5 ) .
11 But this is itself dependent upon a number of rather more enduring features , perhaps the most important of which has been the continual growth in demand for overseas holidays despite the deep recession in the economy .
12 The force working most clearly for uniformity was the growth in the child population , and since that was itself not uniform it was uneven in its effects .
13 Some such cases are obvious , as when false is itself one of the booleans , but some are more subtle , as in unc where , in the lefthand process , one of the booleans in the inner IF is always false because of its context .
14 Where Basque and Catalan nationalists agree , at least in private , is in preferring a deal with the Socialists to one with the People 's Party , even though both are themselves fairly conservative .
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