Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Amphoteric detergents : ionise in solution with the active ion being either cationic or anionic according to the pH of the solution .
2 Here it was always twilight , the corridors lit or unlit according to whether or not the local gang bosses had made deals with those Above who controlled the basic facilities like lighting , sanitation and water .
3 Unfortunately , the realisation of this knowledge has been difficult or impractical owing to several well known factors including ‘ closed ’ systems , immature software standards , and high development or re-development costs .
4 It is a reasonably well-known fact that the same computer program can be run on a number of machines , not only different tokens of machines but different types , where that extends to machines working with quite different physical processes .
5 Sex might be more or less important to a person in later life , but the level would be higher or lower according to the general level of importance throughout adult years .
6 Normally amongst these is included any matter where the complainant has or had a right of appeal or right to go to the courts but has not used it .
7 You either turn left to go to one side of Petswood or right to go to the other side of Petswood .
8 The fact that activities can be shifted from the public to the private sector ( and vice-versa ) suggests that the classification of functions or institutions as public or private according to their intrinsic nature is not the way to decide the scope of public law .
9 He was n't expected by her or Victorine to reply to them , Léonie saw .
10 These reports sent them bustling off to organize air tickets to the head of the Gulf , designating it Persian or Arabian according to the nationality of the airline or the destination selected , to check out the situation and track down flesh with which to clothe the bare bones .
11 The term does not cover only threats of violence but anything detrimental or unpleasant according to Lord Wright in the civil case of Thorne v MTA [ 1937 ] AC 797 .
12 All of us have at one time or another contributed to the Great Bores of Today , with our moans of the other night when we sat down to watch television and ‘ there was nothing on ’ .
13 * a significant proportion of the market may comprise consumers who require non-standard products simply because they are not able or willing to conform to standardised purchasing patterns .
14 Extremely small are the figures for We/Us/Our , where this refers to an aspect of experience shared by the poet and his friend ( Sonnets 1–126 : 10 times ) or mistress ( Sonnets 127–52 : twice ) ; also the plural You or Ye ( once only ) and the plural They ( twice ) .
15 For even the least reflexive or philosophical seem to be aware of the potential for reversal inherent in this system of power , where the sacred and the profane have the possibility of turning upon each other at every conjunction .
16 These are especially important where there is ‘ the potential for discord when anything beyond the conventional or ordinary begins to surface .
17 You do not know that you are not a brain , suspended in a vat full of liquid in a laboratory , and wired to a computer which is feeding you your current experiences under the control of some ingenious technician/scientist ( benevolent or malevolent according to taste ) .
18 This , when there is a baby in the pram and a two- or three-year-old to attend to , is no mean feat .
19 Whiskers sometimes grow by accident from the surface of metals and if the metal happens to be part of an electrical device then there is likely to be a short circuit which will be annoying , expensive or dangerous according to the circumstances ( Plate 9 ) .
20 Repelled yet attracted by the ferocious masks , she finally tried on one or two , but there was no mirror where she could see herself , although she felt peculiarly feline or vulpine according to the mask she wore .
21 The disc comes with a demo of the course builder you get with the registered version which allows you to place trees , houses and bunkers anywhere to make the course difficult or easy according to abilities .
22 This is one advantage of having an external control unit — the temperature rise is not only easy to do , but can be made slow or swift according to species .
23 Small children of two or three tend to be alarmed at a banana-skin fall , not amused yet .
24 ‘ Plenty in the hut but none of them fresh except two or three belonging to the deceased .
25 The compresses can be used hot or cold according to the condition being treated .
26 Static or slow-moving harmonies can be very beautiful as a background for freely ranging melodies , and can be warm or cold according to the harmony and tone-colour used .
27 Calls a function testbit written in assembly-language and delivering TRUE or FALSE according to whether a bit is set or not .
28 The hydrogen nucleus consists of a single proton ; helium contains two protons and one or two neutrons , these two ‘ isotopes ’ being known as helium-3 and helium-4 ( written 3 He , 4 He — He being the chemical symbol for helium and the 3 or 4 referring to the total number of constituents within the nucleus ) .
29 Nor was it always practical or effective to talk to children individually .
30 I 'm very happy if I could see fifteen or sixteen coming to this
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