Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 And if she has already enjoyed the satisfaction of having climbed to a new standard of proficiency , higher than she has been before , why should she care one way or another to know that others have not yet reached this standard ?
2 But though they are not physical in their nature , and though it is difficult or impossible to conceive that they are physical in their origin , they are , for Darwin and his followers , factors in the evolutionary process in its physical or organic aspect .
3 Many , unable or unwilling to see that by the 1890s the emergence of the proletariat had redefined the terms of the class struggle , failed to cut themselves adrift from their bourgeois and petty-bourgeois roots .
4 This can be seen from ( 10 ) , where one feels that seeing and loving are potentially predicated of any support capable of realizing these actions ( " you " , " him " , " anyone " ) .
5 When implies something similar in ( 62 ) , where one understands that the speaker felt she did n't dare move before the moment evoked by when .
6 Others use the term sub or proto-proletariat to mean that these members of the urban poor are in the process of becoming a working class , though they have not yet achieved this status .
7 Where armed groups operate , it is common for the police or military to claim that political suspects have died in an ‘ encounter ’ .
8 Any work of art is a complex vibratory system to which our senses and nervous system respond , and any object such as the sacred wooden boards or Tapundas , or the stone Tjinas of the Aborigines , many of which are inscribed with the serpent motif , or any object that has been submitted to human veneration through actions or desires , remains charged with psychic power that can be transmitted or given off in energetic emanations providing there has been no transformation of the original material used in its creation .
9 Purée can be gradually thickened by adding flour , oatmeal , potato , rice , or any staple that the family uses until it reaches the consistency of mashed potato .
10 London & Metropolitan reported that losses before tax fell from £100.3m to £26m in 1991 .
11 Lord Rothschild appeared on television to give a Dimbleby lecture in which he authoritatively reassured the public that the risks of nuclear power were negligible : if those risks were not , in fact , accepted , it was because the public were too stupid or ill-educated to realise that they were objectively ‘ acceptable ’ .
12 Through the successive phases of his career — at Gainsborough , Gaumont-British and then at his own Ealing Studios — he was to show that his talent lay in finding the most talented people available , giving them the best context to work in , inspiring and stimulating their efforts and intervening where necessary to ensure that the best possible film came out of the production process .
13 It took Ruth a second or two to realise that he was replying to her question , not to the thoughts which whirled around in her head .
14 It took Donna a moment or two to realize that it had been activated by some kind of electric eye .
15 Maxie went on : ‘ Y ’ see , everyone who was at the tea will keep reading the social pages for the next day or two to see that their names are in the report of it ; and , with luck , inside that time , on the same pages there 'll be a report about your Morals Committee — then they 'll know why you had the books , and old Miss Angus will be put in her place .
16 One or two mentioned that they would look forward to the course and that if they were not going to an ATB event they would be out anyway .
17 There have been one or two irksome omissions — Elektra , Die Frau ohne Schatten , productions that were highlights of the Strauss centenary celebrations in Salzburg and Vienna in 1964 — as well as one or two works that Karajan has recorded but not conducted in the theatre since Ulm or Aachen .
18 It took Mr Gorbachev a year or two to perceive that he held a hopelessly weak hand — that the Soviet Union could not possibly match the enormous economic and technological resources Mr Reagan commanded and was prepared to employ , including the much-maligned Strategic Defence Initiative , which Mr Shultz strongly supported .
19 The way he went on looking at her made her flesh heat , and she took a second or two to ensure that her voice would emerge steadily before saying , ‘ I want to make one thing absolutely crystal-clear , Luke . ’
20 The firm says it is doing work for IBM in other areas but declined to be more specific , although that suggests that IBM may have taken on board the message that it needs outsiders to run some of its key business units .
21 I assumed , in my usual mechanistic way that that meant that everything that looked like being cancerous had been cut out .
22 I I 've always assumed that that meant that it would be such a tremendous lever for the enemy to hold someone like that .
23 I hope that that demonstrates that the persistence of my hon. Friend has , if nothing else , at least found the receipt that hitherto had been missing .
24 And I think that that shows that er you know the distribution of er non rationed food was not quite what
25 And that that shows that it that is true of working .
26 Does my right hon. Friend agree that that shows that there is scope , through a range of Government and quasi-government bodies , to encourage action beyond what can be done with direct Government money ?
27 Is my right hon. Friend aware that that means that since 1979 there has been a two thirds increase in capital spending compared with a cut of one third when Labour was in power ?
28 Can the hon. Gentleman confirm that that means that the average family in this country would be approximately £2,000 better off if it lived in Italy ?
29 I hope that that means that the trend is that we shall plateau soon and thereafter we shall see unemployment reducing .
30 I hope that that means that support will be forthcoming .
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