Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 those who are unable to cook for themselves because they are disabled or frail or have become very forgetful ;
2 Albino children can be near-sighted or long-sighted and need glasses to help with their distance vision , which often is no higher than 6/36 .
3 Long grains usually cook up to give a dry , fluffy dish , whereas the shorter grains cook wet or sticky and have a tendency to cling together .
4 For your free copy , simply call us free on 0800 800 852 ( or complete and return the coupon ) .
5 Alternatively telephone your consultant or complete and return the attached slip .
6 The advantage of this is that , given that you have got to exchange witness statements anyway , there is always a chance that your opponents may consider that the evidence is not crucial or controversial and allow the statement to go in without the witness being called .
7 When a beam of light strikes the atoms or molecules of the medium , the electrons are perturbed or displaced and oscillate about their equilibrium positions with the same frequency as the exciting beam .
8 Whereas before I used to say let's do this or that and worry if it was n't done , now I 've decided that I 'm really not going to worry about the garden any more .
9 Without a detailed analysis , one can not be certain , but it appears as if the Scottish universities , with their significant proportions of general courses , are fairly evenly spread in terms of Figure 3.1 , whereas universities in the rest of the UK seem to emphasize the academic or professional and de-emphasize the general .
10 However , most of what they say has been very constructive and it is taking on board these improvements where possible that give us a better service to our customers .
11 Use screened cables where possible and avoid dry joints by applying the solder to the iron and wire/components simultaneously .
12 Practitioners will no doubt wish to advise their clients accordingly , seek appropriate indemnities where possible and obtain counsel 's opinion on particular areas of difficulty .
13 The International Characin Association was established in 1989 to promote the collection , study and breeding of characins , assist in the correct identification where possible and encourage interest in characins and related species as well in the fishkeeping hobby as a whole .
14 Fourthly erm there 's the problem of coercion that is some people might be forced to cast their vote one way or another or feel they 're forced to cast a vote one way or another erm which is something we are less erm familiar with .
15 Some leave for work in the " private " sector but the majority are uninterested for one reason or another or leave to have children .
16 Dostoevsky exhorted himself in his notebooks to ‘ explain the whole murder one way or another and make its character and relations clear ’ , but the artist in him would n't allow it .
17 Because the theme of betrayal figures so often in fable , myth and legend throughout all cultures , it seems that it is something we must all know about at one level or another and need to have formalized in story form .
18 10 What is the smallest number that can be divided by 1 8 or 30 and leave the remainder 5 ?
19 When you meet someone you can see whether it is convenient or inconvenient and act accordingly .
20 Alternatively , the profit was earned by the exploitation of property assets and arose or was derived from the places where those assets were when sold or licensed and remain ; all outside Hong Kong .
21 We would be obliged if you could witness our customers ' signatures where appropriate and ensure that they are fully aware of the documentation signed .
22 Jermey 's aim is not to turn out chefs who can produce Chinese wedding feasts , but adventurous chefs who can borrow techniques where appropriate and incorporate them into their own style : ‘ They 'll see new ways of finishing dishes , new combinations of flavours . ’
23 Ever be harder or clearer or come
24 Contrast the same scene on the neck of a contemporary Attic jar ( fig. 9 ) , where the figures are conventionally coloured black or white and reach from bottom to top of the picture .
25 Working on this delusion , they then feel either excited and act like silly children or confused and act like silly children .
26 The other thing I noticed was my mood and the way it affected the lesson , from the videos , like if I was wound up , or tense or upset , the lessons were a real shambles .
27 A good melon should feel heavy for its size , so hold two or three and go for the heaviest .
28 Now turn 10° right or left and start timing .
29 Now alter heading 10° right or left and start timing .
30 It is especially important to make a will if you are gay or unmarried and have a partner you wish to provide for .
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