Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] back a " in BNC.

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1 She 'd probably have slapped another man 's face for that , she realised wearily — either that or lobbed back a playfully witty rejoinder .
2 The one reservation about the recording is that he was not advised to lean or step back a fraction on climactic high notes , which in consequence are disproportionately emphatic ( e.g. in Minnelied im Mai or the rapturous Frühlingslied ) and almost in danger of blasting : the recording supervisor should have watched this more carefully .
3 Many of us have a special tune or song that conjures up a particular time and place whenever we hear it , or brings back a flood of memories , but we may have no way of celebrating it .
4 ‘ There is a strong culture of control at AT&T that goes back an awfully long way , ’ observes Charles Heckscher , a labour-relations academic who has advised AT&T on its ambitious plan .
5 This is usually done by a guillotine that cuts back a bundle of a dozen or so plants at a time , and it is not unusual to find the cut ends chopped and bruised rather roughly .
6 Such technology is the product of a company with roots that go back a long way in the history of sportswear .
7 We 're walking past this telly shop when Marie suddenly stops and goes back a couple of steps .
8 Then the next morning when he was still sleeping it off , Doris 'd go off to the pub herself and have a few , and bring back a quart of mild , and they 'd get drunk again together .
9 ‘ You feel , perhaps , that it would be a marvellous thing to go to the Counterweight Continent and bring back a shipload of gold ? ’
10 It really is exciting and something which it 's difficult to express and even better if we can do something for Herefordshire and bring back a winner .
11 AN ornithologist sent off £20 for a ‘ parabolic microphone kit ’ to record his favourite birdsongs from 250 yards — and got back a WOK used for stir-frying .
12 I went to the pawnbroker and got back a little gold locket .
13 The second whinnied and moved back a step to graze the spot it had been coveting for the past hour .
14 Instead he lowered his blade and drew back a rapid pace or two , nostrils wide and long lips smiling savagely , and suddenly turning away , vanished into the bushes .
15 ‘ Must give ye the question ! ’ he grinned sheepishly and staggered back a step .
16 The debate was wound up by the Home Secretary who was at his most Clarke-ish , punching the air with his fists and pushing back a lock of hair a la Heseltine .
17 The attendant giggled and came back a few minutes later with another bowl of rice and chicken , which Myeloski despatched with his customary enthusiasm .
18 Joe trotted off and came back a couple of minutes later , holding a parcel .
19 But he did n't even wait to hear her protests that she was all right , and came back a minute later with two hospital pillows which he arranged for her , and she thought the faintly male , musky and intensely sensual smell of him as he bent over her was making her more faint than loss of blood .
20 In Meswick hunters can find lodging in the Mushroom Cap Motel and tip back a few beers at the Mushroom Bar at the end of a long day 's tramp .
21 He started nervously and sniffed back a tear .
22 I rejoined the lane , and walked back a little way towards Navan .
23 Joanna nodded equably and Sophie got out and walked back a short distance .
24 He put his hand into the engine , touched something hot , and sprang back a pace .
25 In the end , Quigley put his hand on his hip and stepped back a pace .
26 Donaldson had jumped from his chair and stumbled back a couple of paces , and Hennessy had removed himself even further .
27 Much later , Nevin , geed up by his goal , danced past two tackles along the byline and pulled back a cross which Aldridge just failed to reach .
28 The boy gave a faint , startled cry , and fell back a pace , putting up his hands to his bleeding cheek .
29 Many of the males went to work in town and sent back a little money occasionally .
30 The Football Association aims to stop hooliganism and win back a good public image .
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