Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] as the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , any demonstrated effects upon surpluses may be exacerbated or ameliorated as the industry progresses , and so welfare losses which occur over time may cancel out immediate gains or vice versa .
2 They are also the end-product of a prolonged exercise where a variety of root definitions and conceptual models were developed , then discarded or amended as the analysis progressed .
3 First , in occupying the terrain of prejudice , there continues — as in so many forms of antiracism — to be a fairly simplistic notion of how racism is culturally reproduced , or transmitted as the preferred term has it .
4 The steps also diminish or broaden as the tunes grow softer or louder .
5 The rise in price is given by and is therefore greater ( smaller ) than where according as the corporate sector is more labour ( capital ) intensive .
6 3.3 Any goods and/or work rejected under Condition 3.2 must at our request be replaced or re-performed as the case may be , by you at your expense ; alternatively we may elect ( at our option ) to cancel this order as provided in Condition 10.2 both in respect of the goods and/or the work in question and of the whole of the undelivered balance ( if any ) of the goods and/or the remainder of the work ( if any ) covered by this order .
7 These interiorized schemata are constantly shuffled together , remodelled , discarded , or replaced as the subject shows cognitive adaptation to the objects of its knowledge as an extension of the overall adaptation of the organism to its environment .
8 The party 's over , after almost a century , for Over Hospital near Gloucester ( or Oover as the villagers call it ) .
9 If their model is correct , the variance of futures returns may increase or decrease as the delivery date approaches .
10 Within the slim packaging lies a host of mini programs ( called Microapps ) , some of which are useful , some almost indispensable and some you can take or leave as the fancy takes you .
11 The Rules of Conduct and Codes of Practice may be amended , varied or rescinded as the Council may think fit and the Council may , in its absolute discretion , waive the provisions of any of the Rules of Conduct or Codes of Practice for a particular purpose or purposes expressed in such waiver and may revoke any waiver .
12 The second half of the project is concerned really with how on earth we get such program to work , such programs are very complicated , they interact in various odd ways , and getting the bugs out , getting the problems out or debugging as the jargon has it , is a really serious problem and we hope to make some advance on the problem of erm developing programs for such distributed multi-processor systems .
13 We shall destroy the parasites that remain as the General would have wished ! ’
14 Many gardeners will argue that there is a risk in pruning very early , that frost can burn and shrivel young foliage that unfolds as the buds expand .
15 With both , it is important to keep an open mind and to be alert to the various clues and pointers to meaning that appear as the communication unfolds .
16 Often the change in relationship that occurs as the parents work on the initial problem areas will generalize to other times of the day as the parent gains confidence and authority .
17 But nowhere were they more pronounced , and rather than fading as the economy developed they appear to have been becoming deeper in the immediate pre-war years .
18 And then the wailing that went up and the curses that fell as the roof came off .
19 Pains that increase as the sun rises to midday and decrease as it falls and sets
20 Pains that increase as the sun rises to midday and decrease as it falls and sets ( like in Natrum mur and Tabacum .
21 They walked through a dapple of sunlight that shifted as the breeze shifted the leaves .
22 These limits will be flexible and change as the child grows but the aim is to help the child learn the appropriate social and emotional behaviours to help him survive in society .
23 This is largely because , once incorporated into the academy , this study had to adopt the values and principles of the academy , and develop as the institution developed .
24 She blew the ashes clear and spat as the dust went into her mouth .
25 Few animals inspire such extremes of love and hate as the fox , and this may go some way towards explaining why so much nonsense is written and talked about them .
26 The line was shredded , literally , for about two feet up the line and parted as the fish swung inboard .
27 Gruelling and demanding as the tour is likely to be , the tourists will of course be aiming to win yet another series in England .
28 In the course of the plays , these elements of the mythic equation ceaselessly combine , entwine , and recombine as the archetypes refract , reflect and fuse into each other ( ‘ and nothing is but what is not ’ ) .
29 Purchase intentions are unlikely to grow continuously throughout the sales presentation ; they are more likely to rise and fall as the presentation progresses ( see Fig. 15 ) .
30 Tipping down her throat a large measure of neat bourbon , she gasped , leaning weakly against the wall and shuddering as the fiery liquid scorched its way down into her stomach .
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