Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] that i " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know if it 's sex , or fear that I 'm up to some trick .
2 I wondered whether I had said something that I could n't remember , perhaps had shrieked or whispered that I would n't go back , but Lili said she had heard it was unusually hot for the time of year and unsuitable for a run-down person .
3 I wished that I was less inhibited by my upbringing and could have done some extraordinary thing to confirm her diagnosis — danced on the table or stated that I would n't ally myself with a man with a face like a toothpaste advertisement .
4 Or suppose that I am eating escargots for the first time and can not bring myself to forget the disgustingly slimy look and feel of snails in the garden .
5 And used to happen twice a year and erm sometimes somebody 'd remember my birthday or find that I had my birthday or and at Christmas time we used to get some money .
6 If this conviction arises through my preaching , it is frequently through some phrase or thrust that I had not intended .
7 If I stick up for myself he either ignores me or suggests that I 'm being impertinent and that I risk losing my job by being out-spoken .
8 In 1904 he wrote to the poet and critic Arthur Symons : ‘ I have , however , of late years , lapsed so deeply into my early weakness for verse , & have found the condensed expression that it affords so much more consonant to my natural way of thinking & feeling that I have almost forgotten the prose effusions for the time . ’
9 Well it would be something , it would be a bit of paper that say that I can look after children under five , I could go and run a play group or do whatever and earn some money
10 I can do no more here than say that I believe that they illuminate some of the processes whereby females come to wish to disassociate themselves from mathematics and other scientific and/or technical activities .
11 ‘ I 'm very disappointed not to be doing the film , ’ Crawford added , ‘ but I would rather that people remember enjoying my performance in the play than say that I did n't quite pull it off in the film . ’
12 In the match vs scum on New Years Day , Strachan played on the right and White on the left , and I hoped that meant that I would *never* again see Strach on the left side , which is mostly a sad sight .
13 I remember a on the telephone , you know , I used to speak and talk and talk , apparently she would switch to German , so that means that I ca n't someone
14 do n't think that 's , that means that I do n't think .
15 Well that means that I personally believe that the problems which many small village schools face are different problems to which many large urban schools face
16 ‘ I 'm not really inclined to do a post-mortem on ‘ Provision ’ , other than to say that I acknowledge that it was less successful and less fun than the previous album , ’ he says in a most matter-of-fact voice .
17 That is not a matter that I can take into consideration other than to say that I am satisfied that the proper figure for a multiplier for working life , er which I shall take in this case , is the multiplier of sixteen contended for by Mr .
18 Rather than concluding that I had been too radical in Opposition , I fast came to the view 1 had been too cautious .
19 A blind person remarked : ‘ If someone said to me ‘ You 'd better not do this placement ’ then I 'd rather walk to Australia on my hands than admit that I could n't . ’
20 I 'm gon na write , if that , if it was the drama teacher that said that I 'm gon na write to her , I 'm gon na put copy to Mr
21 ‘ My mother never mentioned her life here , except to say that I had no grandparents . ’
22 ‘ I can not comment any further , except to say that I have taken legal advice on this matter . ’
23 ‘ I 've nothing to add except to say that I 'm surprised no one 's tried to squeeze more out of me since and I apologize for the fact that there 's only one chair here so I ca n't ask you to sit down . ’
24 Thank you erm I think that 's all I 'm concerned with except to say that I wrote er to a little church spelling what it is today er really into consideration on its this proposition so that we can ensure all of the issues with er our requirements .
25 The specialist diagnosed an ‘ inflamed pubic bone ’ and recommended that I wear an athletic support for sport .
26 He sent it to several publishers and recommended that I accept an offer from Norton , a fairly up-market American book firm .
27 The GP visited again 10 days after his first call and asked that I continue to review the wound regularly and alter the dressings as necessary .
28 The executives agreed and asked that I act as the facilitator .
29 I fell in love with snooker when I was about fourteen , but when I got to about sixteen or seventeen , I started travelling around and playing in junior competitions and realized that I was very good .
30 I th there was , there was one big point that I actually missed out as well that neither of you have picked up on and that was that Maggie actually said that they were having problems with John in school and I should 've come back and , and said well she di she actually said that she was having problems with John , full stop , and I should 've actually come back and , and clarified whether it was at school or not and hence led to the private education and I missed that one completely and realized that I 'd done it afterwards but none of you picked up on that one .
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