Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] that they " in BNC.

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1 Many airlines are so confused or battered that they no longer have anything resembling a clear business strategy .
2 When something goes wrong , I find the quickest way to make matters worse is to launch in with my own fury , or insist that they repair the damage MY way .
3 Force the other party to try hard to get your attention and let them know or think that they could lose out to someone else .
4 Britain grinds out almost five million tonnes of hazardous waste each year , of which about 63,000 tonnes are so difficult to store or treat that they are burnt at high temperatures here in Gwent or at one of three other centres : Ellesmere Port ; Fawley , near Southampton ; and the unfortunately named Killamarsh , near Sheffield .
5 Five others either declared their candidacy or announced that they would soon do so : Edmund G. ( Jerry ) Brown Jr , Governor of California in 1975-83 ; Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ; Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa ; Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska , and Governor L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia .
6 Often they will comment that they did it deliberately , for some poor reason or other , or say that they could , of course , have touched down earlier if they had really tried .
7 We 'll wait and see when the second draft comes to this Council , when the Council will discuss my points and agree or disagree that they should be included or not .
8 This included legislation and other measures allowing young men to evade conscription or ordering that they only serve in their home republic , and moves by individual republics to set up their own military detachments .
9 This view takes into account the general view that crime is or ought to be those actions which are considered so immoral or damaging that they should be subject to punishment .
10 The qualities that are disapproved of are ones they do n't think they have , or consider that they keep under control .
11 It would be wrong to give the impression that Liz , Alix and Esther fell into one another 's arms with cries of delight when they met again that October , or to suggest that they proved thereafter inseparable .
12 Levi defines long-firm fraud as referring to businesses which order substantial quantities of goods on credit at a time when the owners of the business either intend not to pay for them or suspect that they will not be able to pay for them .
13 They really did n't understand or realize that they were worth so much .
14 Many , although black , will grow up believing or wishing that they are white .
15 Not everyone who reads the book will be able to sympathise with Justin and Ursula , or to believe that they understand them .
16 You do n't want to be the one who tells your boss that er a production line has broken down again or y'know that they 've failed to meet their sales targets for the third month running , whatever it is , okay ?
17 The incomer might not agree to any existing house rules or feel that they can ignore them because they were not party to them initially .
18 The idea is not to block them out or pretend that they never happened — indeed you would be building up a store of problems for the future If you did so — but to prevent them forming part of your future .
19 Those solicitors , in their turn , caused or thought that they had caused the documents to be dispatched direct to the father and the mother with a covering letter specifically directing attention to the desirability of obtaining independent legal advice .
20 I mean if obviously the child is reacting in some way or feels that they ca n't even relax when they 're at home , erm then someone 's overstepped the mark .
21 This will mean the vendors bear the financial risk of not being able to locate fellow vendors or finding that they have inadequate funds .
22 These criticisms are commonly voiced by those who have some political or academic axe to grind and who are , or think that they are , the blessed recipients of some God-given intuition which enables them to divine the actual mind of Parliament , no matter how obscure or equivocal the language in which it has chosen to express itself .
23 Committee chairmen had greater microphone power : they could and did interrupt speakers , overriding their speeches with voluble and sometimes lengthy rehearsals of facts and figures ; they intervened to answer rhetorical questions or to explain that they were irrelevant .
24 The late Victorian period was the first in which there were considerable numbers of agnostics , atheists and opponents of organized religion who led lives of exemplary respectability ; it could not be urged of Huxley , Clifford or Tyndall that they were irreligious because they were libertines , like the earlier ungodly .
25 Calling all pensioners … with a message from welfare officer Sheila Redmond : ‘ If any retired employees are in need of advice or help that they think I could offer , they only have to ‘ phone me on . ’
26 The attitudes of colleagues were reported as being overwhelmingly good , although a few people mentioned a certain lack of understanding , saying that their colleagues tended to forget or deny that they were disabled , which could create difficulties .
27 You may need to spell them out or check that they have been understood .
28 Well , they say that remarks that they would feel were friendly remarks directed towards students they stop themselves from saying and examine and think if I say that will I make her feel uncomfortable ?
29 Now we used to clean the bottom up cos used to be a big boiler in the dredger and erm we used to close down every six weeks , which they used to call blow the boiler down , that mean that they open the valve and the heat used to take all the water into the river , so er , that used to be blown down Friday night , come Saturday morning we 'd start at six o'clock and chip all the fur off inside the boiler , cos the boiler was made with all and what we call the crown , that used to be the two furnaces , cos they 're double the big boiler were a double furnace and we had to chip all that fur off them , well it used to take us now from six o'clock in the morning or say seven when we got there had to go down the tug and er go down the tug and erm , then we go aboard and strip off .
30 Gorbachev declined to comment on the talks , other than to indicate that they had been inspired by the scale of the commercial links which already existed between their countries .
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