Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] he is " in BNC.

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1 Once a patient is sedated or anaesthetized he is completely unable to care for himself and he is dependent upon the theatre team to ensure his safety .
2 On the way , he is chased , or fancies he is chased , by Police who hate him .
3 Solid as a bull whale in his confidence and peering through eyes that suggest he is not lacking in a little magic himself , Hugh Smith calmly rebuts every argument that London is in decline .
4 And when he asks that question he is presupposing it provisionally .
5 Mr Major produced some nominal figures , but none that proves he is an inflation-fighter .
6 But nothing much has happened this year that suggests he is about to start firing .
7 It 's when he is , and thinks he is n't : then there 's confusion .
8 He sticks like glue , and thinks he is masking his intentions .
9 Andrew ‘ Will ’ Williams , is 18-years-old and thinks he is lucky to have a Youth Training place with Saks , at Skinnergate , Darlington .
10 ‘ My father paints , now chiefly icons , painting straight on to board and insists he is not a line-drawing man .
11 Kenny Logan won his first cap and demonstrated he is a player for the future .
12 ‘ I am just hoping and praying he is not going to be used as a human shield .
13 In Yorkshire when man goes into a decline during his wife 's pregnancy they giggle behind their hands and say he is " carrying " the baby , I never laugh at these remarks because I am convinced I " carried " my son .
14 The most endearing is how affectionate and loving he is . ’
15 But there is a more immediate aim for striker Ian Wright who is fighting a fitness battle to return in the live Sky TV game against the club which sold him to Highbury less than a year ago and show he is still the man England need .
16 Meisel is beginning to direct videos and says he is losing interest in fashion as a subject : ‘ It all seems mediocre to me , uninspiring .
17 Sam claims her father breached the trust she placed in him and says he is holding on to her cash .
18 But insiders close to Blundell confirmed the deal was agreed and says he is almost certain to return after one year out of competitive Formula One racing , during which he won the Le Mans 24-Hours classic alongside fellow Briton Derek Warwick .
19 Then Macbeth seems to have a change of heart and says he is leaving whether he becomes king or not to chance .
20 ( He looks round and sees he is alone . )
21 But come 2.30 pm , Keifer 's ’ prior engagement ’ has been dealt with and hear he is — all bleary-eyed , stubbly , subdued and dog tied .
22 Houghton does not think Gedge is overtly prim and feels he is sometimes quite tetchy and a difficult person for music writers to interview .
23 Take the fact , for example , that a quiet residential road is one of the most dangerous since the driver has a perception of being in a wide , open space and feels he is driving slower than he actually is .
24 They use a lot yeah the ch I put it in my I mean , I said yesterday to him , we 've got the decorators in and then co they turned round and said he is meant to be a businessman and they said he can not believe they 've never met tha such a penny pinching guy
25 OWEN MEANY is a boy who kills his best friend 's mother with a baseball , and decides he is an instrument of God .
26 Although Edwards has not dismissed the threat of legal action from v , d ) , D customers and admits he is worried , he argued it is a risk which must be run .
27 He is seeking the whole-hearted co-operation of every SAP employee and believes he is getting it .
28 Despite the dearth of big names , Warburton believes it is still early days and claims he is pleased with the interest shown so far .
29 As physician in charge of screening at Murrayfield Hospital , Dr Ayles is well versed in this particular area and stresses he is anxious to prevent unnecessary alarm .
30 ‘ I will meet Bowe somewhere down the line and prove he is a paper tiger .
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