Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] and in " in BNC.

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1 I could n't make up my own mind whether to get him to lengthen or shorten and in consequence I did n't make his mind up to do either and we floundered over it untidily , his hooves rapping the wooden frames , my weight too far forward … a mess .
2 The draught oxen breeds already had the advantage of size but it was weight that counted and in particular the volume of meat in proportion to bone .
3 THE LAW COMMISSION 's report on computer hacking is to be published on Tuesday , two months earlier than planned and in time to allow ministers to put proposals for legislation into the Queen 's Speech , should they so wish , writes Mary Fagan .
4 The end came even earlier than planned and in May 1968 the OCU ceased flying from Bassingbourn saying farewell to this historic station on the 19th and flying to their new home at Cottesmore .
5 The translator described ‘ the party ’ as the collective hero of Serge 's ( 1978 ) Conquered City , but it has always seemed to me that in both that work and in Birth of Our Power ( 1977 ) the great proletarian cities of Petrograd and Barcelona are actors in their own right .
6 They have found that the soils are thin and leached and in places covered by boggy upland peat ( see page 78 ) .
7 Immune to sound and smell and in no hurry to escape , he pauses at every bale of raw wool , every bolt of half-finished cloth , tugging at it , scrunching it up , letting it slip through his fingers to satisfy himself that all is well .
8 " I 've thought and thought and in the end I decided I 'd have to leave .
9 Preston enquired , thinking they 'd probably been put down years ago , but the Flying Horses were alive and kicking and in at least as good a shape as she was .
10 Large numbers of the Communist Party members who have risen almost in complete isolation against overwhelming odds , large numbers of them are actually killed in the fighting , many more of them are arrested and executed and in this way , the destruction of the Communist Party , particularly in the major cities , is to a very large extent completed by their own mistakes .
11 I 've got rope to catch people and to climb and in , and th and in the other pocket
12 Although he had not recognized her immediately Fleury had noticed Chloe a moment earlier as she came trotting into the clearing ; since he had last set eyes on her Chloe 's golden curls had grown foul and matted and in places mange had already begun to remove them ; a cloud of flies followed her and every few yards she stopped to scratch .
13 He remains a non-executive director of the north London club he has played for and managed and in a statement last night said he would proceed with his petition to buy out Mr Sugar ‘ unless advised by my lawyers not to do so . ’
14 By 1815 , a brief postwar upsurge in trade had been and gone and in the same year they went bankrupt .
15 One night I had to call the vet out at half past twelve as he was sweating and shaking and in obvious pain .
16 Because we boys used to like the windbound lying and talking and in the galley and smelling of the coming from the galley , all the saucepans and things like that .
17 Take the T V away and conversation collapses and dies and in a survey a former German couple , they took away lots of and they were nearly suicidal and they were nearly murdering
18 She attempted suicide several times , always while working and in highly dramatic circumstances , starting with threats at the top of the Commodore , Hammersmith .
19 The procurator fiscal has a wide measure of autonomy , both in a discretion whether to prosecute and in choosing the charges .
20 The young Welshman shaped as though to shoot and in doing so committed Walker .
21 Where appropriate differences between cases when found and in 1989 , and between cases and controls , were compared by Student 's t test and a 2×2 contingency table for χ 2 with Yates 's correction .
22 Ironically , the one area in which Vogts had no criticism to make concerned the Ibrox pitch that has recently looked as battered and in need of rest as any Rangers player .
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