Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 All these institutions are controlled From above , all an subject to directives emanating from the same political institution or institutions , all have their key officials in the nomenklatura of higher Party officials ( that is , their officials are appointed and removed only when a Party organ takes the action or agrees to it ) , all have developed many of the characteristics associated with bureaucratization .
2 Mr Wickens would not dream of handing selection or filtering to anyone else , whether the union or a local government .
3 Some people feel restricted in their choices or limited to their present station in life , because their birthcharts declare that they are unlikely to better themselves .
4 You have a long , hard think about it , because it 's a great mistake to simply accept or adapt to whatever space you have , however cramped or awkward it is , without questioning whether it 's right for you .
5 Kevin McCloud , whose background is in history of art and theatrical set designing , presents 40 individual roomsets in a variety of styles to copy or adapt to your own home .
6 If at any time after a person has been charged with or informed he may be prosecuted for an offence a police officer wishes to bring to the notice of that person any written statement made by another person or the content of an interview with another person , he shall hand to that person a true copy of any such written statement or bring to his attention the content of the interview record , but shall say or do nothing to invite any reply or comment save to caution him in the terms of paragraph 10.4 above .
7 To begin to remedy this emotional block , start to notice when you are looking for praise or recognition , and in doing so , start talking about or bringing to someone else 's notice something you have not done so well .
8 Great powers seek to guarantee their position by establishing a ‘ buffer ’ or ‘ barrier ’ of smaller powers friendly or aligned to themselves … but hegemony is not a one way relationship .
9 And the bar on which they stood had evolved from a simple counter or hatch to something approaching the form we know today : in his Encyclopaedia of Cottage , Farm and Villa Architecture of 1833 J C Loudon described the ideal bar ( the place ‘ from which all orders are issued ’ ) as being ‘ of some size ’ , with ‘ commanding views of the front entrance hall and back entrance ’ .
10 I think that to be a loner and a writer is hell enough , but many would instantly tell me how horrendous it is to work in a factory — 1 did it for three months and loathed it — or to go to their office and stop from biting their nails when their boss has to score petty points off them .
11 Moreover , there is no room here to explore the comments further , to probe the reasoning behind them or to see to what extent they represent a wider consensus .
12 She had n't wept or clung to him , demanded to know what he felt about her , uttered those naive and sweetly foolish declarations of undying love expected of a young girl whose virginity had just been taken .
13 If you have a special request please advise your Travel Agent at the time of booking and ensure this is either correctly noted by the Agent on our computerised Reservations system or given to our Telephone Reservations department as appropriate .
14 Was I respecting the life within me , or pandering to my own healthy terror or going through what Alice went through ?
15 He preferred to forget about those , or to pretend to himself that ‘ the real Marie ’ had not sent that bottle crashing into the wall by his head , or hunted him down in the darkness of the tunnels .
16 ‘ in a public place called … ‘ 'Public place ’ includes any highway and any other premises or place to which at the material time the public have or are permitted to have access whether on payment or otherwise ( section 1(4) Prevention of Crime Act 1953 ) .
17 Instead of rushing to a telephone box less than 40 yards away or walking to her nearby home , Joanna trudged to the leisure centre .
18 This is largely a matter of forming the habit of noting the wind from smoke or some other indication and of orientating yourself relative to the sun or an obvious feature such as a coast line , i.e. remember something along the lines of ‘ Into wind is into sun ’ , or say to yourself , ‘ I must land with the sun over my left shoulder ’ , etc .
19 Inside the territories the NGC was dismembered by Israel , its leaders expelled , imprisoned or confined to their home town .
20 The university teacher in Britain , thinking of producing a tape-slide sequence to explain a particular concept or process to his students , may well need only to consider , with a production assistant , the learning objectives , the structure of the process to be considered , the best ways to exemplify this in the photographs to be taken , the graphics to design , and the commentary to write , and then turn it all over to the producer to put into effect , with his guidelines and help .
21 More revisionist radical elite theorists have an alternative concept , ‘ technocracy ’ , to describe administrative elites who operate primarily in their own interests , or according to their own professional norms , rather than being beholden to outside elites .
22 If a small child is asked to group a set of objects he may gather together items according to their colour ( for example , all brown objects ) or according to their normal use ( for example , all cutlery ) .
23 Most systems also have some method of assigning scores which rank competing hypotheses according to how well they match the constraints , or according to their probability given the evidence .
24 For a party , a layer cake can be iced and decorated to fit the occasion , or according to your political persuasion .
25 None of them had been the kind of people who could have imagined devotion to a pet animal or according to it funerary rites .
26 Whenever one organism promotes the fitness of another at its own expense and without reciprocal benefit to itself or benefit to its own genes present in the recipient it has perforce performed an act of induced altruism .
27 ‘ At least 130 people have either rang or written to me in the last few weeks .
28 Have you had any , anybody else phone them up or written to them ?
29 The words printed are not always the actual words spoken or written to us .
30 The general structure of this unitary grant system was well designed to achieve these purposes , but the detailed arrangements incorporated a number of elements which either detracted somewhat from the equity of the system or added to its complexity .
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