Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [prep] our " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are aiming not at the elaboration of a few but at the erection of many temples or houses of our Lord ’ and therefore ‘ cheapness in the construction of each is indispensable to success ’ and Gothic chapels need not be expensive .
2 Inane adolescent power games are numbly played out , with all the usual navel-gazing and self-justification supplanting any insight or honesty between our irritating trio of protagonists .
3 Indulge in a lunch at the Roundels Restaurant or picnic in our courtyard among the oats .
4 First , what happens to a site or cell in our lattice depends on the neighbours ' scores , and thence on the state of the neighbours ' neighbours .
5 If we look at the internal organs there is not much to distinguish a chimpanzee 's heart or liver from our own .
6 We need to beware of thinking a psychoanalyst 's couch would give us enough excuses either to blow away all our adult responsibilities , or to explain in detail every feature or peculiarity of our present thoughts or behaviour .
7 Much of the success or failure of our engagement with a book depends upon our response to the persona of the author , that is , the character the author assumes in the book .
8 As an intellectual pace-setter , she is the Keynes or Beveridge of our times .
9 We design and perform an experiment , or make observations , according to a preformed set of ideas or concepts in our mind .
10 It calls for physical and mental reaction and is sometimes affected for good or bad by our emotions .
11 When I explained the purpose of my visit , he answered with a smile : ‘ But of course , there is no objection to your sending the parcel or parcels with our mail .
12 For more application forms , or details of our corporate membership terms , please tick the appropriate box overleaf .
13 How many shoes do we need for our feet or gloves for our hands ?
14 When a claim is intimated it is essential that we endeavour to direct the policyholder to a repairer or supplier of our choice .
15 Mr Helvin said that the ethos or vision of our Catholic schools was that the children should learn that the attitudes and values of our religion should imbue every aspect of our lives .
16 ( b ) We accept responsibility for death , bodily injury or illness caused to your or others named on your booking form by the negligent act or omission of our employees , agents , suppliers or sub-contractors or of their employees or agent acting within the course or scope of their employment ( other than that of air , sea and land carriers performing any domestic internal or international carriage whatsoever where we limit our liability to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage ) .
17 If anyone would like to send a Christmas card or letter to our missionary link partners their addresses are as follows : mdash ;
18 In an emergency you can reach an ACET doctor or nurse through our 24 hour on call facility .
19 1 Please remember never to give the exact dates or locations of our evenings to anyone .
20 And you identify some point or characteristic of our discussion .
21 Hoe many of us could 7 survive for long without some predictable pattern or regularity in our lives ?
22 Erm , and then I just thought I 'd finally conclude a bright , cos I think it , it 's like how I see myself at work , erm with showing you where our work comes from erm and basically you 've got all these arrows coming in and er sometimes you do have a sense of feeling quite bombarded with requests for work , but the main , I mean the main formal source of our work is the local government sub committee , which is erm , like Mary was referring to earlier , every department or unit in our in the Council have to formally report and get it 's work through by a Council committee , our committee is the local government sub committee and it formally sets our work programme once a year , and I our priorities , it also comes up with other things it would like us to do by the way , during the course of the year , so erm , that includes Mary as well . .
23 We have expectations or scenarios in our heads about how they will be answered .
24 ‘ Let us ask from beginning to end , from contention to resolution , and advance no plea or reservation of our own .
25 This Peeping Tom has put his eye to the nick or cranny in our walls and peers shamelessly in .
26 Please help us with a donation or legacy in our favour .
27 Now in the main these Templars lay sleeping like seeds planted in the soil , though sometimes they would burgeon , quickening into life , particularly in any uprising or rebellion against our Tudor masters .
28 She asks if we 'd like whisky or rum in our coffees , and the tension eases .
29 Simultaneously bold and innocent , neither abject nor objects of our gaze , they are self-absorbed and self-contained ; available to each other .
30 Others with equal cogency argue that damage to our health lies in our failure to take exercise , or in some form of faulty body co-ordination that constricts important pathways for our nerves , veins and arteries .
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