Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb past] in " in BNC.

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1 The paper says that former IBM chief outside auditor Donald Chandler of Price Waterhouse & Co wrote in a 1988 memo that IBM was reporting revenues that it might never realise by booking sales when products were shipped — to its own warehouses for onward staging to customers , or to dealers who could return them .
2 The fourth session of the seventh National People 's Congress ( NPC ) or parliament opened in Beijing on March 25 .
3 where coins disappeared in the lining ;
4 We would get back the two and a half thousand members the T & G poached in Liverpool City Council .
5 Some groups of animals found in nature are simple ‘ associations ’ assembled either through overwhelming influences of nature , such as tide-washed plankton on a sandy shore , or through responses to temperature or light held in common by all participants .
6 Intensive rearing practices have been blamed , where animals kept in cramped and often unhygienic conditions are fed on high protein feeds often containing the remnants of slaughtered chickens contaminated with salmonella .
7 Numerous studies are also cited where animals reared in an enriched or rich home environment were more successful problem solvers than those reared in impoverished environments or in laboratory cages .
8 The letter from Coopers & Lybrand included in the circular says that the 1990/91 financial statements were prepared in accordance with FRED 1 .
9 The employer may find it difficult when he becomes aware of the fact that his former customers are now dealing with his former employee to prove that preparation to entice them away or enticement did in fact take place during employment .
10 I pushed them away with a shudder , but when I looked up I saw , lying on a shelf opposite , an infant or Cupid carved in black marble .
11 Up until then I had found that when difficulties came or doubts arose in my Christian life , I could always escape their force by not holding myself answerable for my own faith .
12 Dustin and Schisgal had met earlier in August 1966 at the Berkshire Theater Festival in Stockbridge , Massachusetts , where Dustin acted in a number of Schisgal plays — the Old Jew in the play of that name , Max in Reverberations ( changed later to The Basement ) and Jax in Fragments .
13 This will describe the nature and operation of the Core Software of Adam & Eve described in Part 1(1) of this Schedule .
14 Staff should always feel able to call upon a colleague if needed and there should be no sense of inadequacy or incompetence felt in doing so .
15 Staff involved included S. Buchan , W. Edwards , R. C. B. Jones and J. V. Stephens who helped with the mapping of the Orkneys and Shetlands where work started in 1927 .
16 Where Jackson had in mind a playful swipe at other people 's romantic success , some of those other people read a venomous resentment .
17 In the hall , turning to Martin , she said , ‘ Come and see the table before you go upstairs , ’ and hurried forward to the dining-room , where Martin exclaimed in genuine appreciation of the table , beautifully decorated with flowers , glass , and silver and set for sixteen people .
18 Eventually , we arrived at a small , damp valley , peat and heather-filled , where insects hummed in the still air .
19 Bonsall was an important centre of framework knitting in Derbyshire , and one of the early workshops , where knitters worked in primitive factories instead of in their own homes , can still be seen .
20 Gainsharing is favoured in many US hospitals , where surveys highlighted in the RNC report show that managers and nurses feel PRP is a potential demotivator .
21 So when he was asked to act as a German — Italian interpreter whenever soldiers or officers appeared in the village , he could only agree .
22 Where monks sat in quiet contemplation , guests now seek sanctuary from the city 's bustle amid lush palms and ivy .
23 Now , laboriously rescued by Thessy 's father , a fisherman , Masquerade was standing in the sandy backyard of Thessy 's house where she was cradled by timber props among the casuarinas and palm trees , and where chickens roosted in her cockpit .
24 Where Amanda discovered in the world divine intent , benevolent order and rigorous justice , her father had seen only chaos , hazard and malice .
25 Where Mallet began in agreement with Blauner but came to different conclusions , Naville starts from a quite different position , arguing that work itself , under automated technology , is inherently unsatisfying .
26 The affiliated Hanbury bank in London merged in 1864 with another London bank of Quaker origins , Barnett , Hoare & Co. ; the new Barnetts , Hoares , Hanburys & Lloyd merged in turn with the main Lloyd bank of Birmingham in 1884 , bringing under one corporate roof connections that had their origins in the marriages more than a century before of the children of Sampson Lloyd II .
27 High arched walls of pale , honey-coloured stone were hung with bluish-green tapestries ; around the big stone fireplace , where logs burned in winter , stood sofas covered in the blues and greens of the tapestries ; here and there were lamps , flowers , books , and piles of parlour games .
28 Fares for a return journey starting at Oxford or Didcot purchased in advance are £12 for adults , £5 for children aged 5–15 ; tickets will be sold on the day subject to space being available at £13 adult , £6 child .
29 Some of the earlier references to the area have confirmed that this was near the site of the 17th century Kings Forge , where iron produced in the Kings Furnace , a mile away , was refined .
30 If so , all this should be done before she moves in , and her room or rooms redecorated in colours of her own choice if possible .
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