Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 The essence of preaching or prayer is that it asks for a response now , not later .
2 My one real consolation in the face of almost any betrayal or grief is that I am without doubt an extremely talented writer , come danger or candle stump .
3 One recurring kind of reason against accepting the authority of one person or institution is that there is another person or institution with a better claim to be recognized as an authority .
4 The second reason why an apparent consent or refusal of consent may not be a true consent or refusal is that it may not have been made with reference to the particular circumstances in which it turns out to be relevant .
5 The essence of any claims for psychic phenomena or powers is that there are alternative realities to the physical .
6 The disadvantage of rope or parafil is that it can not be retrieved at high speed without the friction overheating and burning the material .
7 The supreme dread of everyone who cares for the good of the nation or race is that men should be adrift for want of anchorage for their convictions …
8 The very first and most important principle to bear in mind when planting a rose or any other shrub or tree is that this is the last opportunity you will have to do anything basic about the soil underneath , where the roots will have to work .
9 The debt which never appears in any balance sheet or account is that owed by the Association to the fund-raising efforts of its supporters and the generosity of the public .
10 One of the great things about watching a good comedy show or film is that people around you start laughing and you are much more likely to join in .
11 One problem about statements of policy or principle is that they often need ( in the nature of things ) to refer to generalized concepts of types or levels of books — e.g. an undergraduate text — whereas in practice such definitions are notoriously difficult to apply to particular works ( see pp.42–3 ) .
12 The third inroad or principle is that if income arises to the trustees and is required to be paid to the life tenant then the life tenant is taxable upon it whether or not he receives it ; his entitlement to the monies is enough .
13 The prime advantage of a form of alternative dispute resolution such as family mediation or conciliation is that the parties are in charge of resolving their dispute in an atmosphere conducive to avoiding domination by one party or another .
14 The minimum requirement for us to recognize an object as an animal or plant is that it should succeed in making a living of some sort ( more precisely that it , or at least some members of its kind , should live long enough to reproduce ) .
15 Although gossip was that Churchill had been tempted , given the mighty scale of Germany 's achievements in so short a time , the iron returned to his soul and he steamrollered furiously through his doubting Cabinet .
16 All that matters is that we know and they do n't know that we do . ’
17 Whilst it is no doubt true that the heaviness of early Soviet ICBMs and the ‘ dirtiness ’ of their warheads stemmed from crude propulsion and guidance systems , all that matters is that they accomplished what they were designed to .
18 All that matters is that they 're both true , which I hope you 'll agree they obviously are .
19 The natural way to do this is as an N-dimensional rectangular array ; but all that matters is that there is some metric D on the set of nodes , so that we can talk about the distance
20 There is a sense in which all grieving is for ourselves , so whether or not we loved the lost one can be irrelevant : all that matters is that they played an important part in our lives .
21 In our electronic technology the discrete , digital locations have only two states , conventionally represented as 0 and 1 although you can think of them as high and low , on and off , up and down : all that matters is that they should be distinct from one another , and that the pattern of their states can be ‘ read out ’ so that it can have some influence on something .
22 A paraphrase usually substantially changes the language of the original , because all that matters is that the idea is conveyed .
23 But for some villagers who the remember the Lambourn as it used to be , all that matters is that it flows once again .
24 The reason why reliance is more deserving of protection than expectations is that the former involves merely a resto-ration to the position once held , whereas the latter entails a transfer of wealth or the enrichment of one party at the expense of the other .
25 But the implication that Mr is that this is not a criterion which can effectively be operated at the strategic level .
26 All I think of when I see that picture is that it has the supreme mastery I have spent all my life trying to attain .
27 The advice that I have received from those who understand the issue better than I is that it will drive many small convenience stores out of business .
28 Coventry 's goal difference is so much better than Luton 's that the margin is more like four points .
29 One possible theory about why some people are much more affected than others is that they may have had traumatic experiences of falling as a baby or a young child , and that this has further re-inforced their instinctive behaviour .
30 I think what I imagined erm Miss Whittaker and Chairman is that erm if you get the criteria right then this exceptions policy would also be an exception to I eleven , but it would have to pass this criteria .
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