Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [be] as " in BNC.

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1 The elastic constants derived by Van Fo Fy & Savin are as follows ( the symmetry axis is 3 , c is the concentration of the circular reinforcing phase in a hexagonal array , and the compliance constants Sij are quoted ) :
2 The plants lumped together under the umbrella name of herbs do not appear at first glance to be essential to maintain life , but it is now becoming apparent that this concept could be wrong , and that herbs are as necessary as oxygen , though the ingredients they contribute , such as minerals and vitamins , may only be found in minute quantities .
3 Therefore , at this stage , Soviet policy towards Castro was related to this broad objective and there is no indication that Cuba was as yet regarded as having the priority status that it later commanded .
4 For usually they say , rather tentatively , that things are as specified in the wording which follows .
5 He believes that things are as they seem to Dr Serafin ; that he is putting up proposals which are as sound as his judgement and experience can make them , that he is withdrawing them in deference to Serafin 's objections , and that he will be forced to formulate alternative proposals which can not be known to him yet because they will take their rise from views Serafin has still not expressed .
6 The new legislation amends the Badgers Act 1983 , which becomes the Badgers Act 1991 , and effectively ensures that badgers are as well protected by law as are species on the verge of extinction .
7 Unfortunately , Doane 's conclusion was no less pessimistic than Mulvey 's as to the radical potential of this gaze , since she argued that the film narrative in these cases effectively forced the female spectator into a masochistic identification with the female protagonist .
8 IF neither x nor y is as yet in a cluster
9 As such that undertaking was as obnoxious as if it had been contained in the articles of association , and was therefore unenforceable , being contrary to Art 131 of The Companies ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1986 .
10 Ickx was leading , Peterson ( in a March ) behind him and Regazzoni was as usual making life difficult for those behind him .
11 He could only imagine girls in the evening when they all walked along and Marie stopped in front of a shop window to see that her clothes and hair were as she wanted and they all came up behind her and did the same so they were like a group photograph on a record sleeve , wiggling their fingers and poking out their tongues and saying ‘ Yoo-hoo ’ to their reflections .
12 A-to-Z is a top-priced 14–1 for the 1,000 Guineas , while Perfect Circle is on offer at the same quote and Soiree is as low as 7–1 .
13 When he next turned his attention to the matter , The Times leader writer had to explain to his readers that the law of debtor and creditor was as yet only in a transitional state and that a very unsatisfactory one .
14 In a study of male British doctors [ 4 ] , deaths from lung cancer in smokers and non-smokers were as follows :
15 Common false descriptions and ambiguities are as follows :
16 Results of the Dunhill Amateur Masters Winter Merit Tournament run between October and February were as follows : 1st , Mrs. V. Derwig ( 36 points ) ; 2nd , Mrs. M. Brown ( 32 ) .
17 The combined effects of these waves on our health and well-being are as yet unknown .
18 The central chain of command and influence was as follows :
19 As a general guide line the total length of the roads and tracks are as follows : Advanced : 9900–13700m Intermediate : 9900–13700m Novice : 7920–9900m
20 To be more explicit , it is simplest to take the particular formulation of the independent conditional just suggested , and anticipated earlier ( 1.3 ) , in place of If R and C , even given any X consistent with R and C and W , then still W. That is , let us have this : Given the world as it is , or given any changes in it logically consistent with R and & and W , then if R and & then W. From these two things it follows-as from if A , then if B then C , and A , it follows that if B then C — that if R and C , then W. From this in turn , together with C , there follows the dependent conditional if R then W. To repeat , let us have the statement ( Y ) describing the actual events and conditions accompanying r and & in the world as it is , and the disjunctive statement ( K ) to the effect that the world is in one way or another otherwise , logically consistent with R and C , and W. Then our premisses and conclusion are as follows .
21 The discontent of the monarchists and Falangists was as nothing by comparison with the rage felt by the regime 's left-wing opponents .
22 Pickups , hardware , controls and circuitry are as on the four and 5-stringers , with the familiar 24 frets on an ebony fretboard .
23 Synthetic peptides corresponding to the leucine zipper regions of CREB , c-jun and c-fos were as follows .
24 Mr and Mrs are as I understand it entirely satisfied with that school .
25 So first problem is one of serial correlation in this model right , if we estimated this model and things were as we thought they were this hypothes , these hypotheses were working and farmers were behaving erm , as we thought they might do , right , this model will automatically use serial correlation right .
26 However , with all these reservations and qualifications noted there is a city called Tyneside and in 1989 North Shields is part of it as it always has been and Cramlington is as it has been since the early 1970s .
27 If things are as you say , then a man can never be sure of his wife ; never be sure that he 'll find her there when he comes home at the end of the day .
28 If things were as they seemed it would n't matter .
29 But the dangers in observation are perhaps implicit in the word , and observation can all too easily become realism , and realism is as Piaget has reminded us a kind of confusion between the inner and the outer — a fixing in the object something which is an activity of the thinking subject .
30 This hesitation seems to be due to something about what knowledge is , and there is no obvious way to explain it if knowledge is as the tripartite conception claims it to be .
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