Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Do you know sweetheart I have often wondered since I knew about things whether a brother or sister ever did love with such a love as ours .
2 Ing C Olivetti & Co yesterday confirmed its rumoured alliance with Mountain View , California-based personal communicator developer Eo Inc , ( CI No 2,061 ) which also has partnerships with AT&T Co in the US , and Matsushita Electrical Industrial Co and Marubeni Corp in Japan .
3 Martyn Maxey of Max & Co recently welcomed Mac as Technical Director of the salon .
4 Some of them have been got at by the plant-breeders and bear no resemblance to the species or variety originally discovered ; some remain the same , being already sufficiently beautiful or useful .
5 But it was in midfield where Tranmere really shone and leading the way was veteran Steve Mungall .
6 Those who bemoan the weakening of the governmental role of parliaments are not only failing to bear English history in mind where Parliament never had that role , they are forgetting continental history as well .
7 I do not mean to suggest that Tillyard or Olivier simply undertook their tasks as part of some officially orchestrated propaganda .
8 Since under Israeli law a minister 's dismissal or resignation only took effect 48 hours after the initial announcement was made , Shamir left just enough time to clear the Cabinet of Labour ministers before the Knesset vote .
9 The total fines were £3,500 and C & G also had to pay £356 in costs . ’
10 But where Kant then found a place for religious faith in the realm of practical reason , in ethics and morals , Schleiermacher held that this too was inadequate .
11 Nevertheless , the Frankish court , where Alcuin now resided , was favourably disposed towards Aethelred and it may be that Frankish support was what enabled a prolongation of his rule .
12 The script was stodgy , with the only highlights being the video of the Duffer of St George at work ( a classic ) , and watching the fashion elite go quiet when Marks & Spencer nearly walked off with an award .
13 Marks & Spencer also came a cropper in France when it launched its yoghurts over there .
14 HIGH Street giant Marks & Spencer yesterday revealed plans to slash prices in all its 300 stores — to woo back lost shoppers .
15 Where schools patently did need greater assistance , Leslie Ryder reasoned , was in the production of materials , in the planning of course units making use of resources , and in the use and operation of audio-visual and reprographic equipment .
16 Accountants Coopers & Lybrand yesterday spelled out just how inflationary Labour 's tax plans could be if employers try to preserve their top staff 's living standards .
17 Sometimes , they would meet for lunch at the Grill and Cheese at the Corner House , where Ken regularly gave a private performance for the other people waiting to be seated .
18 But after 1917 Lenin 's resistance to all forms of ‘ revisionism ’ and the ideological closure enforced in the Communist International institutionalized a petrified Marxism , asserting the accuracy of every syllable which Marx or Engels ever wrote .
19 A step-ladder , cans of paint , a sack of potatoes and assorted rubble lay where Kirkwoods once had frolicked .
20 A rent terrier for 1760–66 reveals that Atkinson & Hall together paid a total of £172 in rent .
21 Then it 's like a whirlwind , reaping havoc where peace once reigned .
22 Jo-Ann and Maximilian and Willoughby were across the room , where visitors always sat .
23 But sights or sites equally engaged him only when there was a purpose .
24 Thick was the snow on field and hedge And vanished with the river 's edge , Where winter skilfully had wound A shining scarf without a sound .
25 Later they went to a jazz club in the King 's Road — Uncle Ted had never seen black walls before — where Eva slyly said to Dad , ‘ I think it 's about time we moved to London , do n't you ? ’
26 These are the East European blessings of Mr Gorbachev 's liberalisation : the changes would surely not be taking place if Brezhnev or Chernenko still ruled the Kremlin .
27 Is it possible Geoffrey Hoskin to have some sort of sort out , where people could be encouraged , compensated perhaps to leave their villages and towns and go back to the Republic from which their parents or grandparents originally came ?
28 It was written rapidly ( and compulsively ) in early 1914 , in an attic room in Selsfield House with some resemblance to his own study bedroom at 61 Shelgate Road where his writing began and where Helen later gave birth to his son .
29 Yet some form of coercion or compulsion still resulted from what he considered it right for him to do in certain circumstances .
30 Russians adopted the orthodox spirituality of the Greeks and it is interesting that , even after decades of Soviet oppression , they do not have the same problems about the reality they call ‘ God ’ as we do in the West , where Christians always behaved as though God could be discussed like any other metaphysical entity .
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