Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It is the behaviour of E or G as a function of frequency or time , or more usually of temperature that constitutes the relaxation experiment .
2 Thus Kinsbourne 's attentional model views shifts in the magnitude or direction of a visual field difference as due to changes in the relative activation of one hemisphere as compared with the other .
3 The polarisation of the photon provides the single dynamical variable that Bell postulates and , as required , it can take only one of the two values : a photon or ‘ parcel ’ of light , may be polarised in a plane either parallel or perpendicular to a defined direction in space .
4 The skins ( usually made from wheat ) are filled with meat or fish or vegetables in a seasoned sauce .
5 You could consider making internal windows or openings in a dividing wall to get more light and airiness .
6 At the other end of the scale is the much vaunted desktop publishing system which requires high resolution graphics ; either Extended Graphics or Hercules for a PC system , special software such as Aldus PageMaker or Harvard Publisher , and an intelligent page printer .
7 On your appointment or re-appointment as a tutor you will receive at the beginning of the session : —
8 The chief executive or clerk of a local authority is always anxious to assist members by giving and obtaining for them the fullest information for their work .
9 the operation of inserting the printed pages , sections or signatures of a book in the correct order for binding .
10 As an amateur ornithologist he knew himself to be far behind those people who could identify from a snatch of song or flicker of a wing .
11 It will be circulated freely and provides the public with one key contact for information on each sport or branch of a sport .
12 ‘ Belonging to another ’ is proved by showing that the property was appropriated from someone having possession or control of it , e.g. the owner or tenant etc. of a dwelling house would have possession and control of all the personal property in the house , and the owner or driver of a car would have possession or control of the contents of the car .
13 Provision of the context picture after presentation of the passage , or provision of a partial context , had little effect on either ratings of comprehensibility or recall .
14 Although the accounts are drawn up for the benefit of the proprietors or shareholders of a business , the primary objective of such accounts could be said to establish the amount of tax due to the Inland Revenue .
15 The book is , as it claims to be , the first real survey of the period , other writers having extracted individual companies or artists from a dauntingly rich and complex panorama .
16 It is easy enough to identify opposing terms or attitudes in a text , but how does one decide whether or not they are balanced or reconciled ?
17 Ferguson ( 1989 , p. 5 ) mentions the idea that the pillar might have been a representation or reduction of a sacred tree .
18 The thoughts of Cailliet and Bédé point forward to the importance of communion with the dead in Four Quartets , with their intense , visionary moments ; more immediately the Frenchmen 's stress that , like primitive thought , ‘ Le symbolisme , en effet , requiert tout d'abord une détente de l'attention ’ , is paralleled in The Use of Poetry by Eliot 's presentation of poetic creation not as an act of concentrated attention , but as a relaxation , or removal of a normal barrier .
19 It may be , therefore , that section 17(c) ( ii ) ( above ) refers to the more serious forms of sanction only , although detention or removal to a special unit would surely fall within its scope .
20 Daytime employment , sheltered work , or a place at a day centre or day hospital may be one answer , or removal to a hostel or group home .
21 A change in the weight or fineness of a coinage can occasionally provide a link between an undated and a dated coin .
22 The frequency of gap junctions at the edge of the gastric ulcer was almost the same as that in the endoscopically normal mucosa of the gastric fundus or antrum at a distance from the ulcer .
23 It would be much better to choose , not the level where the genus Euphoria is succeeded suddenly by the totally unrelated genus Amnesia ( as in figure 3.4:1 and 2 on left ) , but within a formation of uniform lithology where , for example , the species Abra cadabra ( which really exists ) Passes insensibly into a descendent species or subspecies by a progressive statistical swing in the unit characters .
24 It means a dispute between workers and their employer which relates wholly or mainly to one or more of the following : terms and conditions ( including physical conditions ) of employment : engagement , non-engagement , termination or suspension of employment or of duties of employment ; matters of discipline ; membership or non-membership of a trade union ; facilities for union officials ; machinery for negotiation or consultation and other procedures , including recognition of unions .
25 You are the first of the king 's officers to know that Lord Grey of Ruthyn is carried off prisoner into Wales , and if this moment you turned out the muster of every shire between here and Denbigh , and loosed them into Clocaenog forest , do you think you would find hide or hair of a Welshman there ?
26 The council is providing cash towards the cost of a major survey in Hemlington , Middlesbrough , where plans for a Community Action Plan are under way .
27 • Baby wipes ( thick ones are best ) or a damp sponge or flannel in a plastic bag .
28 The arrangement of atoms , molecules or ions in a crystal can be depicted as a crystal lattice .
29 The empirical formula shows the simplest ratio of the number of atoms or ions in a substance .
30 This is the movement of molecules or ions from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration .
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