Example sentences of "[adv] really [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're not really seeing me , are you ? ’ she accused harshly .
2 Well I mean I 'm not going away this year , but it 's not really bothered me an awful lot
3 Many of these depend on rather sophisticated biochemical arguments which do not really concern me here ; just two must suffice .
4 ‘ And I know you do not really believe me .
5 It 's just really puzzling me !
6 They also really used me over the T-shirts which got them busted — and persuaded them to change the shop name from Sex to Seditionaries .
7 and , and they really really get me you sort of say well what do you spend your money on ?
8 And the longer you get skiing really really piss me off , because it 's the famous drink driver , it really is , I 'm sorry , drink
9 But at the end of 1990 the group was reorganised and Mr Wise was less happy with the outcome : ‘ I found the general direction in which the group was going did n't really satisfy me in terms of long-term interests or challenge , so I decided to bite the bullet . ’
10 Devereux said : ‘ Widnes did n't really want me to go and there were problems with insurance guarantees .
11 So when I was actually pregnant , although it would be fairer on me and the baby and everybody concerned if I did have an abortion , he made me know that he did n't really want me to have one .
12 My boss did n't really want me to take three weeks all at once . ’
13 It was just on opening time , and I stood myself a drink in a City pub that did n't really want me — a woman was still vacuuming the bar .
14 And that he did n't really want me to .
15 Yeah , they could n't really make me .
16 I kept on thinking , he did n't really mean me to come round .
17 Well it do n't really affect me .
18 So er I mean it did n't really affect me too much .
19 well I ca n't say I eat either , so it would n't really affect me would it ?
20 You did n't really give me much chance — ’
21 You ca n't really expect me to go fishing about underneath your bed if I do n't even know what I might find under it , now can you ? ’
22 ‘ I admire your tenacity in sticking to your story , ’ he intoned , ‘ but even you ca n't really expect me to believe a word of it .
23 I suppose it was in a way because I knew she did n't really love me .
24 These games do n't really hurt me , only yourself .
25 Things like that do n't really bug me that much but I 'd do it again and again until it was perfect .
26 And I I think the illustration about Baptism , had n't really struck me before tonight .
27 The Empress once remarked to Emile Ollivier that she was well aware of her reputation ‘ as someone who read only novels ’ , but added : ‘ It does n't really bother me . ’
28 At this time , when I was thirteen years old , I was about average in height and weight for my age and so would most likely be a C. This aspect of the annual weighing and measuring routine — the actual result — did n't really bother me much .
29 I must add that personally these absences did n't really bother me as my number one champion was there and went on to win , in what was a scary final for me .
30 I was getting it while I was in there , so it did n't really bother me .
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