Example sentences of "[adv] also [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They seem to depend more on policy preferences than research and to reflect the Government 's preference for action not words , for speedy response rather than lengthy debate , and perhaps also a deep disregard for the theoretical overview .
2 Perhaps also the rare outbreaks of parasitic bronchitis in houses calves are associated with the dispersal of L3 by Pilobolus growing in the dung of adjacent infected cattle .
3 Over the same period the cost of these schemes has risen from £10.63 million to £24.81 million , partly the result of the larger number of schemes , the increasing cost of materials and labour and perhaps also the increasing scale and thoroughness of many of the schemes carried out .
4 When Wordsworth confessed in a letter of 1794 that " I am of that odious class of men called democrats " , what he was indicating was not so much that he was a supporter of a wider parliamentary franchise as that he was on the side of the people and that he was a social and political egalitarian , though not necessarily also an economic one : " … my heart was all/Given to the people , and my love was theirs " , recalled the poet in The Prelude ( 1805 , Book IX , II .
5 He can give no better value than to state the truth as he sees it , clearly and eloquently. this should be the aim of the painter and so also the ultimate aim of a commissioned work .
6 So also the french Radicals in the Fourth Republic were to splinter in all directions , participating in governments of both left and right .
7 So also the national electricity grids , when these appeared .
8 But as he progressed on into East Prussia , towards Tannenberg , the full impact and consequence of the Depression and partition were borne upon him , and so also the full potential of the Nazi Party was impressed upon him .
9 And also , of course , the reference to Orpheus , a figure who clearly haunted Milton 's imagination as that of the poet of enormous power but somehow also the natural victim .
10 Was their cause not also a pan-Arab cause , one for which all Arabs should be fighting ?
11 If a defendant is a minor , a summons must be served ( if he is not also a mental patient ) on a parent or guardian , or if he has no parent or guardian , then on the person with whom he resides or in whose care he is ( Ord 10 , r 4 ) .
12 That is why the TGWU will not invite to any of its meetings in the House any Member of Parliament who is not also a Labour party member .
13 If the government could acquire broad discretionary powers under the Defence of the Realm Acts 1914–18 to deal with the emergency could not also a socialist government to meet the peacetime emergencies of poverty and sickness ?
14 Was he not also a spoiled man ?
15 Equally , one should perhaps guard against the maxim that a conductor who is not also a creative writer is somehow debarred from access to the grail of ultimate musical understanding .
16 It is true that Pound does not readily conceive of a reader who is not also an aspiring writer — something that led Leavis astray when he tried to retort to How To Read ; but there is no harm , and much profit , in letting the student of the history of poetry suppose that he or she is in due course going to write poems .
17 A written ( and usually also a formal verbal ) report will state : Objectives and terms of reference ; Summary of main findings and conclusions ; Detailed analysis of main findings ; Detailed reasoning behind main conclusions ; Appendices , tables , detailed supporting data and results ( etc ) .
18 Bishop Ebroin certainly , and possibly also the local count , were committed to Charles 's cause .
19 Doctor Who would tempt those , but more importantly also the uncatered-for majority who revelled in Buster , Valiant or the directly derivative TV Comic .
20 Hence also the exaggerated tribalism , the bullheaded racism of an Alf Garnett , the dogged male chauvinism of an Andy Capp .
21 There he had gained experience in mountain warfare against the tough hill-folk ; there is also evidence that he evoked strong feelings of respect from the people of his province , so he was probably also a skilful diplomat .
22 Video is probably also an important factor .
23 ( These include chlorofluorocarbons — CFCs — which are ironically also the prime cause of ozone depletion ) .
24 Ground ( 5 ) in effect argues that the justices did not appear to carry out the balancing exercise that they were required to do , weighing benefit against risk and I regard that as also a legitimate criticism .
25 The specific weight of heavy industry is increasing rapidly … as also the specific weight of the production of the means of production in our industrial sector .
26 The private sector makes a major contribution in the field of elective surgery such as hip replacements and is now also a significant provider of long-term care for the elderly via the development of private residential and nursing homes ( see Chapter 8 ) .
27 There is now also a growing amount of information about local government legal careers generally and about particular local authorities available in your University or Polytechnic Careers Advisory Service library .
28 There 's now also a special budget priced Uno ‘ Spark ’ model , featuring over £500 worth of extra equipment , and it is some £300 less than its standard model .
29 By 1910 ) there were 155 pupils on the roll ; although this was only five more than that for which the original buildings had been designed , and there was now also the extra Sykes classroom , the Board of Education indicated that there was serious overcrowding and something would have to be done : the School fell considerably short of modern standards , and unless the Governors could provide suitable accommodation , the grant would not be paid after July 1915 .
30 This victory was to delight the masses just as it brought little pleasure to the newly energized forces of the political left , but , just as significantly , it was now also an occasional delight to a growing audience drawn from amongst critics , intellectuals , and the more respectable classes generally .
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