Example sentences of "[adv] just [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps just for a while to tide you over a particularly bad crop of bills .
2 really very interesting but perhaps just for a start it might
3 I do n't listen , I mean sorry , I 've got a frog in my throat , erm like , she tells me not to stay on the phone too long , but sometimes I have to , okay , not , not necessarily just as a conversation , but , homework and stuff
4 Above all , responding now to initiatives launched by the Thatcher Government ensures that the alternative programme is not one cobbled together just before a three-week election campaign .
5 Most readers will probably already be familiar with the famous garlic mayonnaise of Provence , so just as a reminder you will need , for eight people , a minimum of 2 large cloves of garlic — but more if you have avid garlic-eaters to entertain — 2 egg yolks , at least a half-pint of good olive oil , salt , lemon juice .
6 So just like a family , would you do anything special , say one of the girls got married or something like that ?
7 Then ten thousand pounds could go in just over a day .
8 Morrells Brewery says it 's planning to offer managers at its pubs extra cash to cover the tax which is due to be introduced in just over a fortnight 's time , but the Oxford-based firm says it 'll only pay the equivalent of the initial government estimates for the charge , which in most cases falls well below the actual figure .
9 In just under a month 's time , Saturday June the fourteenth to be precise , the university will be holding its Silver Jubilee Open Day .
10 One client may quite sincerely come in just for a form but another client who comes in ‘ just for a form ’ may indicate that they really need help filling it in .
11 The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is in a small room just inside the Presbytery door and to it come over a hundred people who give an hour of their time a week to ‘ watch ’ but there are countless others who come in just for a minute or two and there find a few minutes of silence and prayer .
12 Detailed analysis shows that the dominant member of the pair starts the calling , but the other male joins in just of a second later .
13 You had to buy your own stuff , I bought a pair of thigh boots and they were all made with leather and he and I used to put neat's-foot oil on them and I could roll them down just like a b just like a boot .
14 Those who are newly bereaved and naturally dread the loneliness of returning to an empty house should be visited frequently in their own homes ; and when you are able to persuade them to get out of their own four walls as much as possible for fresh air and exercise and to meet others and visit relatives , it can be a considerable help if you can bring them home and go in with them for a cup of tea or a chat , even if it is only just for a quarter of an hour .
15 That I could understand , yeah something that was sort of that shape , even if it was only just at an angle , but it , I would of said that was much to big for it .
16 These new reinforcements arrived only just before a resumption of activities which were swiftly to thin their ranks to an alarming extent .
17 Do n't really have sirens on just for a chimney fire .
18 I 'll just try it on just for a se , for a second if you do n't mind .
19 But if I can move on just for a second , erm when you get over and above that , we have problems where people that are purchasing those sort of vehicles can not afford , with the best will in the world , to take them in to the main agents and have a full service , although they should do , but if you ca n't afford to do that and these are the problems that we had , so we actually changed that .
20 okay Now hold , hold on just for a moment .
21 It appears the naughty boys were in the altogether just as a primary school field trip walked past .
22 Just just for a couple of weekends to see how many actual calls we do get .
23 Just just as a matter of interest , Graham , I was looking at the er , the rates yesterday , cos I 've been paying my mortgage over ten ye , over the last eleven years , and erm , bearing in mind the premiums I 've been paying before my endowments would have been er , er , you 'd expect to be more recent , because I was er , young
24 All this is felt to testify , not just to a general rankness and decay , but to a conflagration of another kind — to what will happen if the political and racial tensions of the island can no longer be contained .
25 According to Albert Speer , Goebbels referred around this time not just to a ‘ leadership crisis ’ , but to a ‘ Leader crisis .
26 ‘ As far as costs are concerned , it is envisaged that traffic restraint strategies will finally be applied to all town quarters , not just to a selected elite .
27 We are born into a group , not just into a family , not just to an individual woman .
28 We are born into a group , not just into a family , not just to an individual woman .
29 The Guinness takeover of Distillers is studied , not just as an example of a keenly contested takeover , but also as it demonstrated what many saw as the unacceptable sides of takeover activity and the City of London .
30 CIT 's honourary president the Princess Royal said at Light Rail 91 in Manchester that public transport had to be seen as an improvement not just as an alternative to car use .
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