Example sentences of "[adv] come [adv prt] from " in BNC.

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1 It 's great fun , very enjoyable , but for a young women who 's perhaps come up from a convent or an all girls ' school and who feels very uncomfortable with this person because he 's thirty years older and has power over here , it 's not perceived in the same way .
2 Among those I met or saw were the Begum Aga Khan , who was with her very attractive daughter Princess Zahra Aga Khan ; the Director General of the British Equestrian Foundation Major Malcolm Wallace , two of our top Event riders Miss Karen Straker and Mrs Jane Thelwall ; and Mr Andrew Dixon , who had all come over from England with the Hermès party ; Mr Peter Laing , the Hon.
3 I was just checking here in from the book by and I was looking at the chapter here on Roses Rivetus and er and it was on the mission to Munster here that er Third Combat Mission once a day for three days ' running was to Munster it was this ill-fated mission that made the reputation as the bloody Hundredth and of course this is the one that he only came back from .
4 Erm I suppose what we ought to focus on , is not so much the details of the ethnography so came up from the study , but erm but some of them are almost thieves
5 I got to be careful — cars just suddenly come out from nowhere and it 's easy to have an accident .
6 But no , she could not ride tomorrow , her boots had not come back from the shoemaker 's .
7 Edward had not come back from the construction firm at David with anything saved up , but then , she had hardly expected him to .
8 The Warbutt had not come down from his tower to wish his son farewell , and Bicker was grim and silent with his cloak held up around his mouth and ice crystals forming on it where his breath froze .
9 ‘ These have just come through from the printers . ’
10 Well it was if it 's only just come through from the fryer
11 ‘ There y'ar , Sergeant Joe , ’ beamed Mrs Beavis , ‘ this young lady 's our new lodger , she 's just took the front room , she 's just come over from France .
12 When I quip that he sounds as if he has just come round from anaesthetic , Eva says , ‘ He has . ’
13 Then , when the horse is brought out of the stable , instead of just walking quietly along ( which it would if it had just come in from the paddock ) , it is jumping out of its skin , ready to spook and shy at anything , nostrils dilated , eyes bulging , and tail hoisted high .
14 The puppy was probably encouraged to jump up when he was small and everyone thought it was quite fun , but now he is large , and has probably just come in from a swim in the pool and Aunty is standing there in her Sunday best .
15 It was quite soon after the terrible motor accident that had crippled him for life , and she had just come in from the garden with a bunch of flowers for him .
16 His stage set , along with the thumping music , flashing lights , and dry-ice clouds that go with it , had just come in from Scotland , and was due to head south as soon as we television camp-followers had done our reports in front of it .
17 She opened the door before Massingham had time to ring , her handsome shield-shaped face composed under the light brown fringe , and looking in her shirt , slacks and leather jerkin as elegantly informal as if she had just come in from a country walk .
18 ‘ This report has just come in from the Environments Officer .
19 Apart from that , though , the whole crew might have just come in from Ellis Island Caduta herself was clearly the queen bee here .
20 A game of tag ( see below ) may well be just the thing ; but if they 've just come in from the playground and that 's what they 've been doing for the last fifteen minutes , it would be a bit of a waste of time .
21 But anyway , talking about engineering as a whole , quite obviously it 's interesting to go back a bit because I 'm always interested in the way the institutions actually started because er there 's a lovely story about er , the Stephenson brothers and tho , ju , having just come down from Scarborough on a mini-holiday we stopped at York and I went over a great big museum there , and quite obviously seeing the marvellous locomotives you realise that George Stevenson had er , a lot to do with that .
22 I 've just come back from France .
23 ONLY a dealer who had just come back from a weekend in the Kalahari desert would have been surprised to hear of yesterday 's agreed £337.6m bid by MB Group for Caradon , the Twyfords and Everest building products group , so comprehensive has been the pre-match publicity .
24 Tremayne made more than his usual fuss over Fiona , sensing some sort of turmoil , telling her comfortably that Mackie had just come back from Ascot races where he 'd sent a runner for the apprentice race which had proved a total waste of time .
25 One British firm has just come back from France with almost £1m for its contribution towards landscaping .
26 Lee had just come back from shopping .
27 At last week-end 's ICA conference , the film generated a single comment , from a producer on Channel 4 's Out series , Claire Beavan , who had just come back from America where she was making a programme about Hollywood homophobia .
28 And Rodger has only just come back from three weeks ' rehabilitation at Lilleshall .
29 ‘ He has just come back from Canada and he will go back to Canada . ’
30 Don Mini turned to one of the robins which had just come back from a practice flight with a child Minpin on its back .
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