Example sentences of "[adv] well [conj] by " in BNC.

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1 Buttons landed perfectly and came away from the jump so well that by the time her father had collected himself and his horse Artemis and Buttons were alongside them .
2 But things have gone so well that by June 1993 he hopes to launch a further 20 growers .
3 He maintains he did not want to shoot her , but that he was angry with her and was also agitated by a huge bar bill , and as well as by being put in a particularly smokey corner of the night club .
4 And as for defence , ’ he went on , ‘ Britain would be defended by arms manufactured in Germany or France just as well as by arms manufactured in Britain , if this were necessary for good economic reasons . ’
5 Tickets , if available , can be purchased in person from Monday 8th June from the York Festival & Mystery Plays Caravan in Parliament Street , central York open 10.00am–8.00pm daily as well as by post or telephone from the YEMF Office
6 The older , rusticated students were moved by appeals to their sense of national duty ( as well as by threats ) , while the younger students wished to revive anti-Japanese feeling because of what they perceived as the ‘ second Japanese invasion ’ .
7 The increase in the number of 80 and 90 year-olds has been viewed with alarm by some members of the professional groups whose work brings them closely into touch with the oldest old — the geriatricians , general practitioners , nurses , social workers , occupational — and physiotherapists — as well as by others more indirectly involved ( HAS 1982 ) .
8 Acts can be performed by saying something just as well as by doing something .
9 Further criticism of the USA in this respect was made ( i ) by the EC in particular as well as by the above three countries at a meeting on July 3 of the GATT Surveillance Body , a constituent body of the TNC ( see above ) ; and ( ii ) by the 26 member countries of the Latin American Economic System ( SELA ) on Aug. 3 at a ministerial meeting in Cartagena ( Colombia ) for having identified six countries ( Argentina , Brazil , Chile , Colombia , Mexico and Venezuela ) as not providing adequate protection for IPRs .
10 In talks on Oct. 10 between the governing coalition parties and the opposition Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's proposals to amend Article 16 of the Constitution in order to reduce the numbers of asylum-seekers ( which were opposed by the opposition Social Democratic Party — SPD — as well as by the coalition Free Democratic Party — FDP ) were rejected .
11 Ramazzini described the symptoms of poisoning from the lead which was regularly used by house painters , plumbers , glaziers and potters as well as by the extremely short-lived wretches actually employed in lead works : " First their hands become palsied , then they become paralytic , spenetic , lethargic , cachectic and toothless , so that one rarely sees a potter whose face is not cadaverous and the colour of lead . "
12 Within the guilds , food resources are partitioned spatially and temporally as well as by size and quality .
13 A powerful Muslim force was besieging his city of Tiberias and he gave the order to advance to its relief knowing full well that by leaving his camp he was risking battle .
14 ’ Can pay , wo n't pay ’ is shorthand : written out in full , their credo was , ’ We have the money to make our proper contribution to the cost of essential local services , but , because we wish to indulge in political point-scoring , we will withhold that contribution — knowing full well that by doing so we will force local authorities either to increase charges for the great majority of law-abiding citizens , or to cut services . ’
15 I am by no means inclined to consider Diodorus a mere copyist of his sources , and I know only too well that by stylistic criteria one could prove that Sir Ronald Syme is the author of some of the books written by his pupils .
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