Example sentences of "[adv] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once hired , he might have to work a 15-hour stretch , perhaps into the night .
2 Could we just turn it a bit perhaps into the side ?
3 He then attacked a third which went down in a vertical dive , apparently into the sea .
4 Bishop Rathier of Verona wrote in the 930s that the church was one in all its bishops ; that not Jerusalem , not Rome , not Alexandria , had received a special prerogative of rule to the exclusion of others ( he tucks Rome pointedly into the middle ) .
5 When you tip the seed from the packet it is hard to believe that from almost every one a plant will arise , so do not let them fall too thickly into the soil .
6 ‘ Get the hell off this phone , Radcliffe ! ’ he shouted thickly into the receiver .
7 Without turning up the light Katherine crossed to stand beside the window , leaving Michael Lee to close the door and move gingerly into the centre of the room .
8 WE WERE in Prague and then Bratislava for British Film Week , organised months ago by the British Council , but now thrust inadvertently into the middle of a political , social and cultural revolution .
9 She even slips inadvertently into the chair 's mode , calling Gwynneth Dunwoody ‘ the Honourable Lady ’ , not ‘ my Honourable friend ’ .
10 The front of the raft would rise alarmingly into the air then dip down as the stern followed over the crest of the wave .
11 Conforming to Genette 's definition , the target is a specific pre-existent text incorporated literally into the parody ( though in this case the original is ‘ vulgar ’ not ‘ noble ’ ) .
12 A couple of years of university so familiarises us with this idea that literature dissolves entirely into the drudgery of reading and writing crit .
13 Pelicans flew about swooping suddenly into the water to dive for fish .
14 Then suddenly into the picture came a woman Patrick clearly loved enough to marry .
15 I came suddenly into the laboratory from the garden .
16 She sipped her tea and looked so long and thoughtfully into the fire that Carrie began to think she had forgotten her .
17 He who made the cunts talk went straightaway into the castle ; all ran to salute him and wished to welcome him warmly , in which he could take great pleasure . )
18 Rory sat up in bed , scowling fiercely into the darkness as though the object of her condemnation was sitting right in front of her .
19 Nicandra threw an arm out over the bedclothes and turned her cheek fiercely into the pillow .
20 She trailed unhappily into the kitchen , picked up the kettle then thumped it down again .
21 At secondary level , such work can expand naturally into the exploration of dramatic texts .
22 A love of gardening easily combines with the craft of flower pressing , as one leads naturally into the other .
23 And a British F C C would fit much more naturally into the Department of Trade 's portfolio , than into that of the department of national heritage , which currently looks after broadcasting .
24 In primary schools learning will be seamless and music will fit naturally into the programme of activities .
25 With little over a year at the helm of BBC Radio Suffolk 's Gardening Club , Ric Staines has nevertheless slipped naturally into the role of host .
26 These later issues will lead naturally into the examination of the implementation process in the next chapter .
27 If our minds are not actively engaged and challenged by the world in which we live , we may well slip inexorably into the world of day-dream and make-believe .
28 It was with a sense of relief that he made his way alone into the bar and ordered a glass of champagne .
29 HARRY DEAN STANTON once told me that during the filming of 1984 's Paris , Texas , he wandered alone into the desert after a tiff with the director , Wim Wenders .
30 You had to eat everything that was put before you , to sit there alone into the afternoon while the winter dusk drew in and what was on your long cold plate had thickened until you had eaten it all .
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