Example sentences of "[adv] take [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 The new stepmother did not take to her , and yet she could have for she , too , was plain and had little to recommend her except that she had a business head and she knew about antiques and was very good at sales .
2 You will say I ought to have informed you I would not part with the boy in such circumstances as you had taken trouble to describe but until I saw the girl I was not sure in my own mind what to do and only made it up when confronted with her and not taking to her at all .
3 One day when we were vacationing in Santa Fe in 1943 my daughter , Jennifer , who was then 3 , asked me why she could not see the picture I had just taken of her .
4 ‘ We have tamed her on our travels , I think , and yet not taken from her that which is precious . ’
5 Satisfied with the merest hint of make-up she had used on her heart-shaped face , she emptied out the small jewellery sachet she always took with her on her travels .
6 He went behind the pot house along the path he usually took with her , knowing , in a way which twisted him savagely , that she would not bother to keep their secret places private .
7 The barber took a knife to the thicket , weighed it when it was off , and gave her 2½ lb of hair wrapped up in tissue paper which the nurse briskly took from her as soon as they were outside because she did n't believe in being morbid .
8 Perhaps she would be angry if , by trying to impose responsibility on her daughter by giving her the vote , we were also taking from her the only comfort which she has , namely that when she is older she will change all that .
9 He might even take against her and she cared for him .
10 I 'll speak to her but I ca n't say , I could n't take to her .
11 That 's right and she 'll , and er , and he what , he did n't er , he did n't take to her I do n't think
12 It surely took after her , a greedy noisy mouth to feed .
13 In fact , he seemed quite taken with her .
14 She broke off , flexed her empty hand and looked in surprise at the cold-beaded glass Belinda had silently taken from her .
15 But I could never take to her .
16 I could never take after her can my sister but not me .
17 She 's never taken to her .
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