Example sentences of "[adv] know that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For Locke , it was possible from reason alone to know that there is a God , and the role of revelation tended to be seen as a way to produce belief among those whose reason was undeveloped .
2 Some needed only to know that we existed — that was enough for them to throw themselves wholeheartedly into the gay life .
3 ' ’ I trust to have word from you by this messenger , and delay only to know that you wish me to proceed .
4 The lady is looking for a husband and she has been about the world sufficiently to know that I am not one of those .
5 And more than this she 's sensible enough to know that her success may not last forever .
6 Enough to know that her righteous indignation would fade under the realisation that no malice had been intended and no real harm done .
7 The voiders lingered by the body , however , bright enough to know that they still had some duty to perform with it .
8 ‘ Because they were clever enough to know that they could n't , ’ Jessamy said a trifle bitterly .
9 The darkness was almost complete now ; she could only see the faintest outline of his features , enough to know that they 'd taken on a hard , determined cast .
10 He had not had time to compare more than a few paragraphs scattered throughout each text , but he had seen enough to know that their contents were practically identical .
11 ‘ It will appeal to all those people in any discipline who are knowledgeable enough to know that there is much they do not know , and that learning and re-learning is worthwhile .
12 She was flying , just within the still pocket of air , but enough to know that she had the power .
13 But I know me own daughter well enough to know that she does n't want to lock herself inside a convent for the rest of her life .
14 He was perceptive enough to know that she was suffering from some sort of emotional wound that had nothing to do with him .
15 We had all been prisoners long enough to know that you must allow people to be unbalanced if they felt like it .
16 I had been in the armed forces long enough to know that you waited a long time for everything and I saw no reason why a dental appointment should be any different ,
17 Most of us have lived long enough to know that you ca n't say with any certainty , where you might be in the future .
18 Odd-Knut — whose English was good enough to know that he did not want us to call him ‘ Odd ’ — suggested that he could leave us near the Finnish border and we could ski or walk the last bit .
19 In the Third Act he realizes that the world is against him but he is intelligent enough to know that he is the victim of his own weaknesses .
20 He had never been in a wood in his life ; but he was sharp enough to know that he might hide in a bush , or swarm up a tree … ‘ . )
21 Pinkie could still think quite clearly enough to know that he had very little prospect of a new commission .
22 Maurice was still sober enough to know that he was drunk , and knew also that the water between the boats was wilder than he had ever seen it .
23 And although she was n't stupid enough to know that he would n't catch up with her eventually , when his role as host was over , if not before , she had high hopes that she could escape before that eventuality .
24 ‘ I 've seen him play often enough to know that he will do a good job for us . ’
25 ‘ I have been in tennis long enough to know that it can .
26 Kate felt inordinately pleased at his offer , even though she was astute enough to know that it came from a desire for any company , rather than hers specifically .
27 I have been in the House long enough to know that it is not appropriate for me to comment on evidence given to a Select Committee until that Committee has reported .
28 She did n't know very much about romance , to be sure , just enough to know that it seemed to be a force that did not like to be tamed and squeezed into the orderly compartments of people 's lives .
29 ‘ We have learnt enough to know that your box will be of great interest , Doctor . ‘
30 This is , this is where Deborah will then go back , this is , comes into your three hour training so you wo n't have this problem cos they 'll all have been , they 'll all know that they 're just talking about certain things .
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