Example sentences of "[adv] one [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 And then — I thought — perhaps one of these ? ’
2 Harley 's man was perhaps one of these .
3 Or perhaps one of these workaholics who only became aware of difficulties in their marriage when their wives had packed their bags and left their goodbye note on the mantelpiece ?
4 so erm er th the thought , the thought did occur to me that perhaps one of these times he 's gon na actually go beyond just like talking , and perhaps touching somebody .
5 He was perhaps one of those people , myself included , who , to quote a character in a Compton Mackenzie novel , were born two whiskies below par .
6 Perhaps one of those involved in the taking — perhaps the original taker — is caught .
7 This is perhaps one of those rare occasions where I almost agree with Mr Cunnane .
8 BASF ( 1990 sales , Dm46.6 billion ) is apparently one of several big German companies queueing for a Wall Street listing .
9 All senior ministers retained their posts ( in some cases renamed ) , although the Justice portfolio , hitherto one of those held by Guido De Marco , was given to Joe Fenech , who had been a parliamentary secretary in the outgoing government .
10 This , he felt , was very much one of those times .
11 The religious political factor was merely one of several major recurring problems during Barbarossa 's reign , all of which interacted with one another .
12 We have argued in favour of retirement relief , as land is merely one of several business assets and as such does not have to be part of a disposal for that disposal to constitute a significant part of the business .
13 Is it seen as the major or even sole macroeconomic policy weapon , or is it merely one of several policy weapons , and possibly a minor one at that ?
14 The question of God 's existence is merely one of these central problems .
15 The process of decision-making is simply the outcome of conflicts between different groups , with governmental institutions acting simply as the arbiter between these conflicting groups or , at most , acting as merely one of these groups .
16 But hitherto that interest had been merely one among many ; his temperament had precluded any drastic specialization , and he worked on an almost random variety of Greek topics , with a discernible bias only towards philosophy .
17 They could make an interesting international team together one of these days .
18 So one of those is real cheese and one is cream cheese .
19 had to go to a breakdown , the poor bloke did n't know whether he was coming or going so one of these situations that stress stress arrives .
20 The child walked along one of these , towards the house .
21 I walk down one of these stationary escalators .
22 We 've got to sit down one of these days …
23 Now h wh what did it look like inside one of these chambers ?
24 Once upon a time it would have been unthinkable for a band , especially one with such a reputation as Happy Mondays ’ , to apologise for their remarks without some sort of legal action being taken against them .
25 As incumbent of Ayrshire 's oldest Earldom , Glencairn was reluctant to agree to Macrae 's suggestion that he should marry a commoner , especially one of such lowly background , but abandoned his scruples when told that Elizabeth 's dowry was to be £45,000 in diamonds and the estate of Ochiltree which Macrae had bought for £25,000 .
26 Well if there 's only one for each building then
27 The Social Services Department also provided thirteen short-term and long-term residential units for children in care ( by 1988 their number had been reduced to eleven ) , none with wheelchair access and only one with any experience of caring for children with learning difficulties .
28 A. borealis is similar to A. fragilis but may be distinguished from it by the following characters : the shape of the modified arm spines which are flattened often with an axe shaped tip in borealis , while those of fragilis have a serrated edge ; the number of arm spines ; borealis has 3–4 , fragilis has 5–7 arm spines ; the distal oral papillae , which in borealis are small and low , often two on each side of the jaw , in fragilis they are slightly larger and more spine-like , with usually only one on each side of the jaw .
29 First of all I recall that there were not too many varsity entrants in the Air Force , probably only one on each station at the time , and Leonard Cheshire was our first university entrant and viewed with considerable suspicion and a certain amount of distaste .
30 Only one on this bike because it 's only got one seat ’ , ( Simon 4.3 ) .
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